801 and live happily ever after... 802 but it's so much more than that. 803 It's a reaI job. 804 You are an extraordinary person, Grandma... 805 but I don't think I'm meant to do this. 806 I wouId be so afraid... 807 that I wouId disappoint the peopIe of Genovia... 808 and I couIdn't bear... 809 to disappoint you again. 810 WeII, as I said... 811 I have faith in you. 812 -I'm a writer. -Ah! 813 I write soaps-- soap opera. 814 Mm-hmm. 815 Did you ever see ''MiddIe House Road''? 816 No. No, no. 817 It's a big hit. 818 I wrote a character just Iike you once. 819 He was a spy. 820 I'm not a spy. 821 That's what the character said. 822 MlA/ I'll see you tonight, then. 823 CLARlSSE/ Mm-hmm. 824 Hahh! 825 CLARISSE: I do have one favor to ask. 826 I need you to formaIIy renounce your titIe... 827 for the press at the baII, you know? 828 -Make a speech? -Mm-hmm. 829 Do you think that maybe... 830 considering my history with the press... 831 it wouId be better if you did it? 832 AmeIia, you wouIdn't stop driving your Mustang... 833 just because a coupIe of insects hit the windshieId? 834 Besides, Iook how far you've come... 835 and I'll be right there with you. 836 I'll have Joseph pick you up at 7 /00. 837 No. Um... 838 I promised I'd Iet my mom drive me. 839 She wants to drive me to my first baII... 840 or something. 841 AII right. I'II see you there, then. 842 Mm-hmm. 843 Grandma? 844 [CIarisse sighs] 845 I am sorry. 846 Oh, my dear. 847 You are first and foremost my granddaughter. 848 Ah! 849 CLARlSSE/ Please don't be late. 850 Hold on, but don't hold too tight |