901 ''The key is to allow yourself to make the journey. 902 ''l also want you to know... 903 ''l loved your mother very much... 904 ''and still think of her often. 905 ''Happy birthday, my Mia. 906 ''All my love, your father. '' 907 NELSON/ And there's Countess Puck of Austria... 908 as the glamorous continue to arrive... 909 at the Genovian lndependence Ball. 910 Despite the threat of rain... 911 the big turnout includes the mayor of San Francisco... 912 and a Genovian pear juggler. 913 The future of Genovia... 914 is in the hands of young Mia Thermopolis. 915 Her decision tonight will affect the queen, the court... 916 and all the people of this small but proud country. 917 [Thunder] 918 Do you think it's gonna rain on us? 919 It never comes down on WiIIie Brown. 920 Ha ha! Thank you. 921 UmbreIIas up! 922 [Thunder] 923 CHARLO TTE/ And that's enough pear juggling. 924 The trip is off, Louie. 925 [Meow] 926 [Thunder] 927 Oh! Perfect. 928 Unh! 929 Oh, come on. Come on, baby. 930 LORD JEROME/ Genovians, you know... 931 are famous for their impeccable taste in art. 932 AIso for their cheese. 933 Maybe it's string cheese. 934 Don't do this, baby. 935 Unh! 936 [Engine starts] 937 Gotcha! 938 Oh! 939 MlA/ Sorry, Mr. Robutusen! 940 Here you go. It's aIready paid for. 941 I didn't order a pizza. I'm sorry about that. 942 No, you must've. 943 UnIess there's another MichaeI Moscovitz Iiving here. 944 We get a caII, we deIiver. 945 That's our motto. 946 You don't make the pizza? 947 No, no. I just deIiver 'em. 948 [Sighs] 949 Press passes. Thank you. Thank you. 950 Oh, hi. Where are you from? |