901 You can't keep me in here! 902 Oh, please... 903 No, no! She can't do it! 904 She can't lock up Cinderelly! I'm gonna-- 905 Oh, please, please. 906 We gotta get that key, Gus-Gus. We just gotta get that key. 907 Whoa! 908 He's-a here, he's-a here! A Duke-Duke! 909 - Duh... duh... a who? - A Grand Duke with the slipper. 910 - Gotta get that key quick! - Zuk-zuk key-key quick-quick. 911 Oh, Mother, Mother. He's here! 912 - He's here! - The Grand Duke! 913 Do I look all right? I'm so excited, I just-- 914 Girls, now remember... 915 this is your last chance. Don't fail me. 916 Announcing His Imperial Grace, the Grand Duke. 917 You honour our humble home, m'Lord. 918 Ahem. Quite so. 919 May I present my daughters, 920 Drizella and Anastasia. 921 Your Grace. 922 Ladies, charmed I'm sure. 923 His Grace will read a royal proclamation. 924 All loyal subjects of His Imperial Majesty are hereby... 925 notified by royal proclamation in regard to a certain... 926 glass... slipper. It is upon this day decreed-- 927 Why, that's my slipper! 928 Well, I like that! It... it's my slipper! 929 No, No! Cinderelly's slipper! Cinderelly's slip-- 930 - How can she--- Girls, girls, girls! 931 Your manners. 932 A thousand pardons, Your Grace. 933 Please continue. 934 Yes, quite so. 935 It is upon this day decreed that a quest be instituted... 936 throughout the length and breadth of our domain... 937 the sole and express purpose of said quest to be as follows: 938 That every single maiden in our beloved kingdom, 939 without prearranged exception, shall try upon her foot... 940 this aforementioned slipper of glass. 941 And should one be found upon whose foot said slipper... 942 shall properly fit... 943 such maiden shall be acclaimed the object of this search... 944 and immediately forthwith shall be looked upon... 945 as the one and only true love of His Royal Highness, 946 our beloved son and heir, 947 the Noble Prince. 948 Said Noble Prince will humbly and upon bended knee... 949 beg, request, or if need be, implore... 950 said maiden, that they grant her hand in marriage. |