701 Heave! 702 Heave! 703 Heave! 704 - Heave! - Heave! 705 Secure the mast tackle, Mr. Turner! 706 Set to it! 707 - Step aside. - Hey! Mind yourself! 708 Let go, boy! 709 No. 710 Haul that weevil to his feet. 711 Five lashes will remind you to stay on 'em! 712 - No! - Impeding me in my duties? 713 - You'll share the punishment. - I'll take it all. 714 Will you, now? 715 And what would prompt such an act of charity? 716 My son. 717 He's my son. 718 What fortuitous circumstance be this? 719 Five lashes be owed, I believe it is. 720 No. No, I won't! 721 The cat's out of the bag, Mr. Turner. 722 Your issue will feel its sting, be it by the bosun's hand or your own. 723 No. 724 - Bosun! - No! 725 You had it easy, boy! 726 - Will. - I don't need your help. 727 The bosun prides himself on cleaving flesh from bone, with every swing. 728 So I'm to understand what you did was an act of compassion? 729 Yes. 730 100 years before the mast, losing who you were, bit by bit, 731 until you end up... end up like poor Wyvern here. 732 733 Not until your debt is paid. 734 I've sworn no oath. 735 You must get away. 736 Not until I find this. 737 The key. 738 The dead man's chest. 739 What do you know of this? 740 Open the chest with the key, and stab the heart... 741 No, don't stab the heart. 742 743 and if there's no captain, there's no one to have the key. 744 So the captain has the key? 745 - Where is the key? - Hidden. 746 - Where is the chest? - Hidden. 747 Captain Sparrow! 748 Come to join me crew, lad? Welcome aboard. 749 I'm here to find the man I love. 750 I'm deeply flattered, son, but my first and only love is the sea. |