651 Have a seat. 652 I could get used to this whole closure thing. 653 I love long goodbyes. 654 Wait around the corner. I'll be right back. 655 Smile, Gabrielle. 656 Well, that's it, then. 657 What are you doing? 658 She had a camera. We've got to catch her. 659 Mrs. Solis, your husband's going to kill us. 660 Come on! 661 Leave me alone! 662 Give me that camera right now! 663 Shut up. 664 I'm not kidding, old woman! 665 Stay away from me! Don't touch me! 666 No. 667 No, you go home. 668 I'll take care of this. 669 And you were never here. 670 Go. 671 Go. 672 Did you see that? 673 That guy came barreling around the corner and just hit her. 674 Do you have a cell phone? 675 Yeah. 676 Call 911. 677 As Juanita teetered dangerously close to the white light, 678 Lynette and Tom were headed into a black hole. 679 I was just participating. 680 Well -- no, your participation was supposed to be limited to making dinner, 681 not making my ideas look bad. 682 Yeah, well, maybe you need better ideas. 683 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. 684 No. No, no, no, no. 685 We both know that your career was going so much better than mine before we had kids. 686 You never let me forget that. 687 That is not fair. 688 You're always competing with me, 689 and judging by tonight, you know what? You still are. 690 Tom, I am sorry about tonight, truly, 691 but these days, if I'm competing with anyone, it's the Bree Van De Kamps of the world, 692 with their spotless kitchens and their perfect kids who throw fabulous parties where nothing ever goes wrong. 693 I try so hard to keep up, but I can't. 694 Lynette, that's not my expecta-- 695 and when you work on a pitch or you bring the partners over, 696 I am reminded of a world I left behind where I was the winner 697 and people tried to keep up with me. 698 I can't go back. I can't win where I am. 699 I am stuck in the middle, and it is really starting to get to me. 700 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. For your information, |