251 You know what I really, truly want? 252 Revenge. 253 254 I mean, if somehow we could level the playing field, then, um, maybe I could find a way to come back. 255 256 So what does that mean, you want to have an affair? 257 258 Okay, uh... so who are we talking about here -- your dopey pharmacist? 259 Would that hurt you, Rex, if I slept with another man? 260 It would devastate me. 261 262 Here you go. 263 Bree, you --you can't possibly -- 264 Rex, time to take your medicine. 265 266 I got it! 267 268 She doesn't hate you. My mom just worries. 269 She thinks I'm crazy. 270 No, she doesn't. 271 Well, maybe a little. 272 You didn't tell her what I told you, did you? 273 About what happened to Dana? 274 Zach, I can keep a secret. 275 I promise I will never tell her. 276 What's that noise? 277 278 Hi. W-what are you doing here? 279 I was walking outside, and I saw you in the window. 280 I was surprised. I never thought of you as a diner person. 281 I'm not. The coffee's just dreadful, and -- 282 Well, it's late, and I needed to get out of the house, and it was the only place still open. 283 Yeah. 284 285 I didn't mean to interrupt. 286 287 George? 288 289 Would you like to join me for a dreadful cup of coffee? 290 291 It was my first week in college, and I went to a meeting of the young republicans where Rex gave a speech, 292 and I went up to him afterward and introduced myself 293 and told him that I agreed with his stance on the death penalty. 294 He took me out to a diner, and, uh... 295 We stayed uptill 2:00 in the morning talking about big government, gun control... and illegal immigration. 296 Oh, it was just -- t was just such a magical night, 297 and I knew by the time he got me back to my dorm hat one day, I was going to be Mrs. Rex Van De Kamp. 298 Wow. 299 300 And even now, you know, after the betrayal, I -- I know that we're supposed to be together, but... |