201 I collected all the -- personal things 202 that your husband brought in during Juanita's -- stay with us. 203 I assume that's why you're stopping by? 204 That's so thoughtful of you. But actually, no. 205 No? 206 No. You see, my husband and I still don't have a clear account as to how Juanita passed. 207 How? - Yes. 208 Did she -- die quietly, in her sleep... 209 Oh, yeah, that's usually how it happens. 210 I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. 211 Pretty sure. 212 I mean, I don't know exactly, because I wasn't with her at that time. 213 Uh-huh. 214 Was -- anyone with her? 215 An orderly? Candy-striper? Anyone? 216 No. She was alone. 217 Thank you so much. That's all I needed to hear. 218 Mrs. Sol?s! 219 Oh, you can just toss that. 220 Great. Just great. 221 I think this is yours. 222 Yeah, I've been looking for this one. Thanks. 223 I don't suppose you have any idea where I found it. 224 Well, these little suckers are drawn to bare fleeting car tires, 225 and since you're not limping or bleeding -- 226 This is only temporary. You need to get this tire fixed. 227 Thanks. I will. 228 Seriously, it's not safe. You'll probably not get 20, 30 miles out of it. 229 All right, I promise. 230 Listen, I'm about to break for lunch. Would you like to join me? 231 Lunch? 232 Yeah, lunch. 233 Are you asking me out on a date? 234 That sounds kind of formal for a burrito and a can of soda, 235 but -- yeah, I guess I am. 236 Aren't you dating Edie? 237 We went out on a date. We're not dating. 238 Oh. - So how about it? 239 I'm buying. 240 I just got out of this relationship with this guy Mike, and 241 it's kind of complicated, and -- 242 Anyway, I'm just not sure where I am right now, 243 I mean emotionally, I'm all jumbled up, 244 I don't think I could leap into someting relationship-wise, at the moment -- 245 Again: Just a burrito. 246 I'm sorry. 247 OK. I understand. Sounds like you need time to reflect and heal. 248 I do. I really do. 249 OK. I'll check back with you tomorrow. 250 "This is so delicious! I don't know how you find the time, with 4 kids!" |