
  • 很多学生觉得自己的词汇量太小,作文写不好或者有的同学为了拿更高的分数就专用那些很生僻的词,那么雅思作文对词汇到底是一个什么要求呢?! 1。5分6分人群。对于这个分数段,并不需要大词,或者换言之,绝不需要大词。只要同学能够用简单的词汇表达清楚自己的意思即可。这就要求,同学们在写作时立意不要太高,构思的...

  • Should capital punishment be a major deterrent to crime?Arguments1. There should never be suspicion~ of capital punishment.2. Murderers whose motive~ ...

  • Is romantic love the most important condition for marriage?Arguments1. Marriage is the result and extension of love. Therefore, romantic love is the m...

  • V 102Should grad student be paid higher than non-grads?In our country, it is obvious now that the university graduates earn more money than non-gradua...

  • 下面这篇雅思作文是5段式写法,而且属于一边倒,并非两边都讨论,思路很清晰,语言也很简练并且很值得模仿!大家完全可以按照这个模板进行练习![雅思大作文题目]People attend college or university for many different reasons. Why do yo...

  • 为帮助大家准备8月26日雅思作文,现在你们提供几个雅思作文主题方面的预测,同时提供几篇雅思7分范文供你们参考,你们可以有选择性进行参考!1. topic: The government is responsible for protecting a nation’s cultural i...

  • [参考范文]While the 21st century saw the fast economic development and the deep social revolution, it also witnessed the accumulating environment pollutio...

  • Sample Question: Many people consider the death penalty to be an appropriate punishment in certain cases, whilst others think that there is never a re...

  • Para 2: It can also be argued that. It is also well-known that Another special consideration in this case is that should not be neglected as well. Ano...

  • Sample Question: Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather tha...

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