2023-12-061.牙医终于把药棉从我嘴里取出后,我才能告诉他他给我拔错牙了。 After the dentist at last removed the cotton wool from my mouth, I was able to tell him that he had pulled out the wro...
2023-12-0626.事情在变得越发糟糕。 Things are turning for the worse. 27.他是个得寸进尺的人。 Give him an inch and he’ll take a yard. 28.谋杀经过精心策划,决非偶然。 The murder was meticulou...
2023-12-0638.他是一个胸怀宽广、视野宽阔、想法新颖的人。 He is a man of broad mind, broad vision, and novel ideas. 39.语音室里的设备安装于9年前,但现在仍然运作得不错。 Installed nine years ago, the multi-me...
2023-12-06题目: Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can’t grow or out of season. Som...
2023-12-06题目: Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve traffic and pollution. What extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you th...
2023-12-06高胜长教授简介: 高胜长,昂立学院副院长和教学院长、昂立托福雅思培训中心校长、英语语言文学硕士,毕业于上海外国语大学英语学院,有8年丰富的外事翻译和近20年成绩斐然的英语教学经验,是蜚声上海滩培训界的重量级名师,并出版了大量的教学畅销书。 高胜长教授谈雅思写作 统计数据显示,在雅思(IELTS)考试...
2023-12-06题目: Government should protect culture. Therefore, some people believe that new building should be built in traditional style. Do you agree or disagree...
2023-12-061.没有朋友的人是可怜的人,他们的生活不可能幸福。 Those who have no friends are poor people and you cannot expect them to be happy. 2.我们应该善于区分真朋友与酒肉朋友。 We should be able to d...
2023-12-0615.要信任朋友,但同时又要学会理性地分析和看待问题。 We need to trust our friends and at the same time, we also need to analyze and look at things in a rational way. 16.朋友可以是我...
2023-12-061.解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle , resolve, address, tackle 2.损害: Damage, hurt, injure , harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize 3.给与:Give, offer...