• (1) ABC is the base word.(2) If C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the codeword to generate another word.From (1), we cannot...

  • 2. What is the perimeter of triangle ABC above?(1) The ratio of DE to BF is 1: 3.(2) D and E are midpoints of sides AB and CB, respectively.Since we d...

  • Algebra & arithmetic terms:Absolute value 绝对值Add (addition) 加Average value 算术平均值Algebra 代数Algebraic expression 代数式Arithmetic mean 算术平均值Arithmetic ...

  • Equation of the first degree 一次方程Endpoint 端点Estimation 近似Factor 因子Factorable quadratic equation 可因式分解的二次方程Incomplete quadratic equation 不完全二次方程Factori...

  • Polynomial 多项式Power 乘方Product 积Proper fraction 真分数Proportion 比例Permutation 排列Proper subset 真子集Prime factor 质因子Progression 数列Quadrant 象限Quadratic equat...

  • Frequency distribution 频率分布Domain 定义域Bar graph 柱图Geometry terms:Angle bisector 角平分线Adjacent angle 邻角Alternate angel 内错角Acute angle 锐角Obtuse angle 钝角Bi...

  • Minor axis 短轴Origin 原点Oblique 斜三角形Plane geometry 平面几何Oblateness (ellipse) 椭圆Parallelogram 平行四边形Parallel lines 平行线Perpendicular 垂直的Pythagorean theorem ...

  • 常见数学疑难几经解答思路 (1)前言: 常看到不同的朋友问同样的问题,为帮助大家提高复习准备效率,我特收集整理了一些常见的数学疑难几经并给出解答思路,希望对大家有所帮助。也欢迎各位提供你觉得典型并有困难的题目大家一同讨论,我会不定期地整理公开。 说明:关于解题思路我借鉴学习了众多高手的经验、指点,在...

  • Sharpen Your Math SkillsWhether you're thinking of a career as an accountant or just trying to balance your checkbook, you face math in some way, ...

  • 306. 兩個盒子。一個盒子內有30顆紫色彈珠、20顆黃色彈珠,另一各盒子內有15顆紫色、35顆黃色。現在先選盒子, 再從選定的盒子抽出一顆彈珠,問抽到紫色彈珠的機率。同本月JJ第2题解:1/2×30/50+1/2×15/50=9/20请大家进一步讨论!307. 老JJ:退休...

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