TOEIC verbal word list Vocabulary Sentences: Adjective TestsTest home toeic preparation toeic quiz toeic forum toeic certification adj. appropriate; noble (a)fraudulent (b)becoming (c)commercial (d)modest toeic study guide adj. comprising; containing; embracing (a)including (b)prepaid (c)unforeseen (d)famous adj. not real; fanicful (a)principal (b)imaginary (c)downward (d)surface adj. inner; inside; of something which is inside; inland; of a country's domestic affairs; of an individual's inner life (a)budget (b)graduate (c)interior (d)appropriate adj. passing; brief (a)trivial (b)crafted (c)remarkable (d)temporary adj. non-transferable (a)pertinent (b)impatient (c)inalienable (d)liberal adj. silent, noiseless; peaceful, tranquil; still, lacking activity; speaking very little (a)simple (b)quiet (c)confident (d)enough adj. vital; essential; indispensable; unavoidable (a)irritated (b)powerful (c)necessary (d)likely adj. back; hind (a)rear (b)appropriate (c)adroit (d)arbitrary adj. existent; in attendance; on hand; of the current times; pertaining to the current times (a)present (b)cautious (c)salient (d)audio |