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tackle n. equipment; gear (especially for fishing); device for lifting and lowering objects; tools; implements; instance of wrestling another player to the ground (Football)

tackle v. to deal with; to stop; to bring down (as in football); to undertake; to set about

tailor n. one who makes or alters garments

tailor v. to make or alter a garment; to create or adapt for a particular need or desire

take over v. to capture; to assume control

takeover n. act of assuming control of something (as in a government or business)

talkative adj. having a tendency to talk a lot; loquacious

tantalize v. to tempt or tease by presenting something as available and then withholding it

tantamount adj. equivalent to; equal to

tantrum n. a fit of bad temper

tariff n. a list or system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods; a duty or duties so imposed

technician n. specialist in repairs of machinery and appliances

technique n. method of performance; technical skill; manner in which technical details are treated

technology n. sciences of the industrial arts; applied sciences; technical methods and processes

temporary adj. passing; brief

tempt n. to try to get (someone) to do wrong, especially by a promise of reward; to be inviting or attractive to; to cause to be strongly disposed

tenant n. lodger; occupant; resident; renter; one who possesses lands or property; landlord

tenant v. to rent; to inhabit; to occupy

tender adj. gentle; soft; delicate

tender n. bid; offer; overseer; supervisor; car attached to a locomotive for carrying fuel and water

tension n. tautness; strain; nervousness; agitation; apprehension; excitement

tentative adj. experimental; trial; temporary; hesitant

tenure n. strength; act of holding; period; permanence (especially as referring to one's status as an employee)

terminal adj. end; extremity; closing; concluding; final; mortal; incurable

terminal n. either end of a passenger line; bus or train station; point of connection to a current (Electricity)

terminate v. to bring to an end or halt; to discontinue the employment of; dismiss

terminology n. nomenclature; specific vocabulary

territory n. area under the jurisdiction of a state; region; district; zone; area; domain

testify v. to bear witness; to declare under oath; to attest

testimonial n. letter of recommendation; expression of esteem or admiration; statement of support or belief in something (especially espousing its benefits)

thorough adj. comprehensive; complete; finished

thoroughness n. diligence; neatness

thrive v. to prosper; to flourish; to succeed

throughout adv. in every; during

throughoutprep. in every part; at every point or moment

thus adv. therefore; so

timeliness n. punctuality

token adj. nominal; symbolic; perfunctory
