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abandon v. to cease trying to continue; desist from; desert; to surrender one's claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely

abate v. to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen; to deduct from an amount; subtract

abbreviation n. shortened form of a word or word combination

abduct v. to carry off by force; kidnap

abide v. to comply; to obey; to submit; to conform; to tolerate

abnormal adj. not typical, usual, or regular; not normal; deviant

aboard adv. on board a ship, train, aircraft, or other passenger vehicle; in or into a group, organization, or business

aboard prep.on board of; on; in

abolish v. to cancel; to revoke

abominable adj. unequivocally detestable; loathsome; thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable

abound v. to be plentiful; to be filled with; to overflow with

abreast adv. side by side; in alignment; on top of; up-to-date; well-informed

abroad adv. in another country; outside; widely

absence n. failure to appear; state of being away; state of being not present; opposite of presence

absent adj. preoccupied; lost in thought

absolve v. to pronounce clear of guilt or blame; to relieve of a requirement or obligation

absorb v. to suck up; take up; take in

abstemious adj. eating and drinking in moderation; sparingly used or consumed; restricted to bare necessities

abstinent adj. self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink

abundant adj. plentiful; copious; profuse; full abounding with

abuse n. misuse; maltreatment; corrupt practice; foul language

abuse v. to misuse; to injure; to harm; to mistreat; to insult; to malign; to curse; to revile

accelerate v. to cause to move or happen faster; to hasten; to increase the speed of something; to speed something up

accelerator n. gas pedal of a motor vehicle; expansion card or other hardware item that speeds up computer operations such as the processing of graphics or floating-point calculations (Computers)

access n. approach; entry; permission to enter a computer system or network and/or retrieve data

access v. to gain entrance to; to get at

accessible adj. easily approached or entered; easily obtained; easy to talk to or get along with

accommodate v. to adapt oneself; to host guests; to provide lodging

accommodation n. housing; residence; lodging; arrangement; adjustment

accompany v. to go along with; to go together with; to join; to attach

accomplish v. to complete; to achieve; to attain; to perform

accomplishment n. fulfillment; realization; attainment; achievement

accord n. agreement; settlement; harmony

accord v. to match; to fit; to complement

accordance n. conformity; agreement; coordination; suitability

account n. business arrangement which allows use of something; formal business agreement in which a client is provided access to a computer system; report

account v. to explain; to give a report; to cause; to regard

accountant n. a person who keeps financial records; a person who conducts financial audits

accounting n. a system of recording and analyzing financial transactions; auditing; a detailed financial statement

accredit v. to certify; to recognize; to assign; to license

accrue v. to accumulate; to compile; to increase; to grow

accumulate v. to gather or pile up; amass

accuracy n. preciseness; exactness

acknowledge v. to admit the existence, reality, or truth of; to recognize as being valid or having force or power; to express thanks or gratitude for; to report the receipt of

acknowledgement n. the act of admitting or owning to something; recognition of another's existence, validity, authority, or right; an answer or response in return for something done; an expression of thanks or a token of appreciation

acquaint v. to make familiar; to present someone; to introduce someone

acquaintance n. person that you have met but do not know well; knowledge of something; familiarity

acquainted adj. familiar; close; intimate; informed; aware

acquire v. to buy; to obtain; to purchase; to attain

acquisition n. purchase; something that has been purchased or obtained

acronym n. a word which is formed from the first letters of several words; i.e.: TOEIC

adamant adj. unyielding; firm; hard; unbending

adamant n. something unyielding; something hard; stone similar to diamond

adapt v. to conform; to change; to make suitable; to match; to fit

adaptable adj. capable of adapting or of being adapted

addict n. one who is addicted, as to narcotics or a compulsive activity; a devoted adherent; a fan

addict v. to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance; to occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively

addition n. act of joining one thing to another; basic mathematical operation; augmentation; supplement; something added; devotion to a certain habit; dependency

additive n. supplement

address v. to direct to; to speak to; to direct to a specific destination; to mark with an address (as in a letter or package); to refer to

adept adj. proficient; skilled; expert

adept n. person who is an expert; person who is skilled

adequate adj. sufficient; suitable; appropriate; proper

adhere v. to stick to; to cling to; to be devoted to (an idea, group, organization etc.)

adjacent adj. close to; next to; nearest in space or position

adjoin v. to be next to; be contiguous to; to attach

adjourn v. to postpone; to delay; to end a meeting; to move to another place

adjudicate v. to hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure; to study and settle (a dispute or conflict)

adjust v. to modify; to adapt; to tune; to fit; to install; to arrange; to settle

adjustment n. adaptation; settlement of an insurance claim

administer v. to manage; to supervise; to implement; to execute; to supply; to dispense

administration n. management (of an office, project, etc.); execution of managerial duties; people in charge of directing or managing; supervisors; leadership

administrative adj. managerial; executive

admirable adj. worthy of adoration; impressive; wonderful; marvelous

admiration n. enchantment; affection; adoration

admission n. entrance; permission to enter; confession

admonish v. to warn; to scold; to reprove

ado n. commotion; flurry; excitement

adopt v. to form a relationship with another person (as in to take a child as one's own); to embrace (an idea, method, belief etc.)

adorn v. to decorate; to beautify

adroit adj. alert; clever; ingenious; skillful; adept

advance adj. beforehand

advance n. forward movement; progress; modernization; promotion; amount or payment of money given before it is due

advance v. to progress; to move forward; to promote; to propose; to suggest; to make a payment before it is due

advancement n. forward movement; progress; promotion

advantage n. benefit; profit; utility; avail

adventuresome adj. willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises

adverse adj. acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic; contrary to one's interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable

adversely adv. unfavorably; in a manner that works against; for the worse; antagonistically

adversity n. misfortune; hardship; distress; suffering

advocate n. one that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender; one that pleads in another's behalf

advocate v. to speak, plead, or argue in favor of

affable adj. easy and pleasant to speak to; gentle and gracious

affect v. to influence; to move someone; to act as if; to pretend; to have a certain disposition towards something; to have an affinity for something/somebody

affiliate n. partner company; distributor

affiliate v. to join with; to connect to; to become attached to

affiliation n. connection; attachment

affinity n. attraction; closeness; liking; likeness

affluent adj. generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich; plentiful; abundant

afford v. to be able to pay for; to be able to do without difficulty; to supply; to provide; to give to oneself or to another

agency n. office; bureau; institution; franchise; method

agenda n. schedule; outline of things to be done

agent n. person who is authorized to perform a certain action; representative; factor; cause

aggregate adj. collective; total; taking all units as a whole

aggregate n. combination; conjunction; group; mixture

aggregate v. to accumulate; to gather; to collect; to assemble

aggression n. the act of initiating hostilities or invasion; hostile or destructive behavior or actions

airways n. route through traveled by vehicles above ground level

aisle n. passage; walkway (between rows of seats)

alert adj. ready; attentive; quick; agile

alert n. warning; alarm; attitude of readiness

alert v. to warn; to put on standby; to alarm

alienate v. to cause to become unfriendly or hostile; estrange; to cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate emotionally

allay v. to relieve; to calm; to alleviate pain; to alleviate fear

allergicadj. of, characterized by, or caused by an allergy; having an allergy

allergy n. an abnormally high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or microorganisms

alleviate v. to allay; to soothe; to relieve; to moderate; to soften; to lessen; to diminish

alliance n. pact; treaty; connection; relationship

allot v. to give out; to distribute; to ration; to set aside for a special purpose

allotment n. the act of allotting; something allotted
