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本文《Cn Oilfield Bankers Exercise Overallotment Option》China Oilfield Bankers Exercise Overallotment Option  中海油田服务的承销行行使15%的超额配售权 China Oilfield Services Ltd.(Q.COI), the sister company of Hong Kong and New York listed CNOOC Ltd. (CEO), said Thursday its bankers had exercised the overallotment option in its initial public offering.The company, which made a successful debut in Hong Kong Wednesday and raised about HK$2.23 billion from its IPO of 1.33 billion H-shares, said the investment banks had exercised the option to take up 15% of the offer - or 200.2 million shares. The two joint global coordinators and joint bookrunners are Credit Suisse First Boston (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Merrill Lynch & Co. Of the new shares, 182.0 million will be allotted by the company, and 18.2 million by China Oilfield''s parent at the IPO price of HK$1.68 a share. China Oilfield and Hong Kong-listed CNOOC share the same parent, China National Offshore Oil Corp. Before the overallotment was exercised, the parent owned 65.0% of China Oilfield, while the rest of the issued share capital was in public hands. Now, the parent owns 61.6%, and 38.40% is traded as H shares. China Oilfield stock ended Wednesday at HK$1.89 a share, or 13% up from its IPO price. At 0240 GMT, the shares were trading at HK$1.87, down 1.1%.

中海油田服务有限公司(China Oilfield Services Ltd., Q.COI, 简称:中海油田服务)周四表示﹐其承销行已经行使了首次公开募股的超额配售权。中海油田服务是在香港和纽约两地上市的中国海洋石油(中国)有限公司(CNOOC Ltd., CEO, 简称﹕中海石油)的姊妹公司。 中海油田服务周三首日上市交易即大幅上扬﹐公司通过发行13.3亿股H股筹集资金22.3亿港元。中海油田服务称﹐其承销商行使了15%的超额配售权﹐额外配售2.002亿股H股。瑞士信贷第一波士顿(Credit Suisse First Boston, Z.CSF)和美林公司(Merrill Lynch & Co., MER)为此次股票发行的联合全球协调人及联合簿记行。超额配售股份将按每股1.68港元﹐由中海油田服务配售1.82亿股﹐由其母公司配售1,820万股。中海油田服务和中海石油的母公司都是中国海洋石油总公司(China National Offshore Oil Corp., CNOOC)。超额配售权行使之前﹐母公司持有中海油田服务65.0%的股权﹐其余股份为公众股。现在﹐该公司有61.6%的股份在母公司手中﹐其余38.40%为H股。中海油田服务周三收于1.89港元﹐较其首次公开募股价格上涨了13%。格林威治时间0240﹐该股为1.87港元﹐下跌了1.1%。 
