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英文: China markets have 'great scope for development' - CSJ editorial
China's stock markets have great scope for development as the economy maintains rapid growth and the government proceeds with plans to give foreign investors some access to the A-share markets, the China Securities Journal said in a front-page editorial.

The article is the second in a series of four editorials on the stock markets, and analysts said the series appears to have been placed in the newspaper by the government with a view to talking up investor confidence.

The article said China can expect to achieve GDP growth of more than 7 pct this year, and noted that the country's exports in the five months to May grew by 13.2 pct from a year earlier, while its actual foreign direct investment grew by 12.4 pct.

The country's foreign currency reserves at end-May amounted to 238.4 bln usd, while personal deposits at financial institutions exceeded 8 trln yuan, it said.

It also said many domestic insurance companies need more channels for the investment of their capital, and the stock market will be one channel for this investment.

It added that the upcoming 16th Congress of the Communist Party may introduce key ideas and policies regarding the reform and development of the economy.

All of these factors show, without a doubt, that there is a good environment for the stable development of the stock market, it said.

Allowing listed companies to precede other state enterprises in the establishment of the "modern enterprise system" is a fundamental factor for the development of the stock markets, it added.

The reform and opening of the market will bring great opportunities for domestic investors, and will make shares very attractive to overseas investors, it said.

The government is currently discussing how to implement a qualified foreign institutional investor system that will give foreign institutions some access to the A-share markets, and as this will bring more capital to the markets it will create new force for their development, it said.

The editorial added that it is important to adhere to the Central Committee's formulation of "Development needs new ideas. Reform needs new breakthroughs. Opening needs a new situation".

Consequently, it is important to seize this new chance by opening the market and creating a new situation, it said.

      中文:中国证券报: 中国股市存在巨大发展空间
《中国证券报》发表头版评论文章称, 中国在经济维持急速增长 , 以及政府局部向外资开放A股市场之际, 中国证券市场存在巨大发展空间。

该文章乃中国股市四篇评论之二, 分析员指, 该系列相信是政府特意刊发, 旨在激励投资 者信心。

文章指出, 今年首5个月, 中国出口按年增加13.2%, 实质外商直接投资上升12.4%, 全年 经济增长可望超过7%; 此外, 5月底外汇储备达2,384亿美元, 金融机构个人存款则超过 8万亿人民币。

文章并指, 不少本地保险公司正为资金找寻更多投资渠道, 股市则为其中一个出路; 而即 将召开的中共16大, 可能会就经济改革及发展, 引进重要意念及政策。

文章续称, 上述种种因素显示, 股市肯定会享有稳定发展的环境。

文章又指, 容许上市公司先于其它国企设立现代企业制度, 乃股市发展的基本条件, 而市 场改革开放, 将会为本地投资者带来不少机会, 并增加中国股市对海外投资者的吸引力。

文章并指, 当局现正商讨如何落实合资格外国机构投资者(QFII)制度, 让外资机构参与 A股市场, 为市场注入更多资金的同时, 也提供市场发展新动力。

文章又指, 应遵循党中央的理念, 抓紧当前的新机会, 开放市场并创造新局面。
