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    英文: China to trial trading of sulphur dioxide emission quotas
China is to start a trial sulphur dioxide emissions trading programme by allowing companies to buy and sell quotas that will be issued to them by the government, the China Daily reported, citing the State Enivronmental Protection Administration.

If succesful, the trial, put together with the help of US environmental agencies, will pave the way for a national emissions programme aimed at cutting China's sulphur dioxide emissions by 10 pct from their 2000 levels by 2005, the newspaper said.

The pilot programme will be launched in Shangdong, Shanxi, Jiangsu and Henan provinces and in Shanghai, Tianjin and Liuzhou in July and will run until May 2003, said Li Lei, director of SEPA's air and noise pollution control division.

Enterprises, who will be monitored to ensure fair trading, will be given quotas based on their currently emissions and will be able to trade credits, she said.

《中国日报》引述国家环保总局报导, 中国即将展开二氧化硫 排污权交易试点计划, 让企业在市场自由买卖由政府批出的排污权配额。

报导指, 倘试点计划运作成功, 再加上美国环保公司的协助, 将有助中国在2005年时, 达成二氧化硫排放量较2000年减少10%的目标。

国家环保总局负责人称, 该计划将于7月于山东、山西、江苏、河南、上海、天津、 柳州7个省市率先推行, 至2003年5月为止。

她指, 为确保公平, 配额将按企业目前排污水平分派, 企业节约下来的配额, 可在市场自由出售。
