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英文: Global some big enterprise CEO anticipated continue to gain
The chief executives of some of the world's top companies expect increased profits over the next 12 months as they remain particularly optimistic about the economy, according to a survey released Thursday.

But the executives were less forthcoming on plans for hiring or spending their profits, two factors of significance for sustaining economic growth.

Almost 85 percent of CEOs surveyed by the Business Council and the Conference Board said they expected their companies to post higher profits over the next year, driven by increased revenue rather than cost-cutting, with 22 percent expecting the increase to be substantial.

Around 85 percent said business conditions in the economy today were the same or better than they were six months ago, and 40 percent expected them to improve further in the next six months, the survey of Blue Chip bosses found.

The survey, which quizzed 76 of the council's 125 CEO members and which is often regarded as a barometer of corporate sentiment, found that geopolitical events, such as war or terrorism, topped the list of CEOs' concerns.

Around 86 percent of respondents also said escalating healthcare costs in the United States were either the "most" important or a "very" important policy concern.

路透社2月25日报道,美国商务理事会和世界大企业联合会(the Business Council and the Conference Board)所作的调查显示,85%的被调查人预期明年公司利润将增加,且增加的因素主要在于收入增加而不是削减成本。其中22%的人期望利润有实质性的增长。同时,在对蓝筹股老板们的调查中,85%的人认为当前经济环境和6个月前相比一样或者更好。40%的人期待未来6个月经济环境会进一步改善。


