profit commission statement 纯益手续费帐单 projected financial statement 预编财务报表 projected income statement 预计损益计算书 proxy statement 股东签署的委托书 recapitulation statement 摘要表, 汇总表 reconciliation statement 调节表; (会计)对帐表 reconciliation statement of account 帐户调节表 registration statement 有价证券申请上市登记表 reserve statement 保留指令 retained earnings statement 营业盈余表, 保留收益表 separate statement 附加声明 settling clerk's statement 清算表 single purpose statement 专用报表 special purpose statement 专用决算表 static statement 静态财务报告 summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements 现金收支总表 summary statement of development credits 开发信贷汇总表 summary statement of receipt and expenditures 收支汇总表 summary statement of resources and obligations 资产负债总表 supporting statements 附表, 分表 surplus statement 盈余表 tabular statement 计算表 trading statement 购货表; 购销表 trailer statement 结束语句 two-section income statement 两部式损益表 unaudited financial statements 未审核财务报表 under statement 少报 unit income statement 单位损益计算书 where-got where-gone statement 资产来源和运用表 withholding statement 扣缴税款清单[凭单] written statement 书面声明, 文告 written statement of claim 起诉的书面说明; 索赔清单 statements in the instrument 票据[证券]上的记载事项 statement of acceptance 支票上的承兑说明 statement of account 对帐单, 结单 statement of accumulated net income 累计净收益计算书 statement of actual and estimated expenditures 实际和预计支出对照表 statement of actual and estimated revenue 实际和预计收入对照表 statement of affairs 资产负债结算表, 清算式资产负债表, 财产状况说明书 statement of application of fund 资金运用表 statement of appropriation of net income 净收入分配计算表 statement of assets 资产目录 statement of balance of payments 国际收支表 statement of budgeted cost of goods manufactured 制成品预算成本表 statement of business operation 营业表[损益表] statement of cash in treasury 库存现金表 statement of cash in vault 库存表 statement of cash receipts and disbursements 现金收支表 statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance 现金收支及结存表 statement of changes in financial position 资金变动情况表, 财务状况变动表 statement of changes in general reserve 一般储备变动表 statement of changes in resources available for commitment 可供承付的资金变动表 statement of changes in retained earnings 留存收益变动表 statement of changes in surplus 盈余变动表 |