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Article 16 The articles of association of a foreign-capital enterprise shall include the following contents:

(1) the name and the residence;

(2) the aim and the scope of business operations;

(3) the total amount of investments, the registered capital, and the time limit for contributing investment;

(4) the form of organization;

(5) the internal organizational structures and their functions and powers as well as their rules of procedures; the functions, duties and limits of powers of the legal representative as well as of the general manager, chief engineer, chief accountant and other staff members;

(6) the principles and system of financial affairs, accounting and auditing;

(7) labour administration;(8) the term of business operations, termination, and liquidation; and

(9) the procedures for the amendment of the articles of association.

Article 17 The articles of association of a foreign-capital enterprise shall become effective after the approval by the examining and approving organ. The same procedure shall apply when amendments are made.

Article 18 The division or merge of foreign-capital enterprises, and the significant change in capital resulting from other causes, shall be subject to the approval by the examining and approving organ; in addition, the said enterprises shall engage a Chinese registered accountant to carry out verification, and to submit a report on the verification of capital; after the approval by the examining and approving organ, the enterprises concerned shall go through the procedures for the change of the registration with the relevant administrative department for industry and commerce.
