赠与(gift)是某人将自愿将其财产转让给另一个人,并不附加任何条件和补偿。(A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another without any consideration or compensation) 要使赠与行为有效,须符合以下三个要素(Three requirements):第一,必须正式移交或音乐会所赠与的财产;第二,必须是赠与人的主观意愿;每三,必须被接受。 There are three requirements for the making of a valid gift: (1) there must be a delivery from the donor to the donee; (2) the donor must possess an intent to make a present gift; and (3) the donee must accept the gift. 赠与可以分为两类: 生前赠与(Gifts inter vivos), 临终赠与(Gifts causa mortis) 所谓生前赠与是指赠与人在其正常生活期间所进行的赠与行为。这种赠与是不可撤销的。而临终赠与是指赠与人在处于生命垂危时所进行的赠与,这种赠与在一定情况是可以改变的。 Gifts inter vivos-An inter vivos gift is a gift made during the donor's life when the donor is not under any threat of impeding death. An inter vivos gift, once made is irrevocable Gifts causa mortis- a gift causa mortis is a gift made in contemplation of immediately approaching death. A gift causa mortis is revoked if the donor recovers from the illness that prompted the gift 交付是赠与的有效要素之一。交付可以分为以下三类: 实际交付(Actual physical Delivery)这个好理解。 推定交付Constructive delivery)- it is handing over the means of obtaining possession such as the keys to a car for example. However when the articles or goods are present and able to then physical delivery must occur. 象征性交付(Symbolic delivery )- handing over something that is symbolic to the property given such as a writing. Notice that once again if physical delivery can occur it must occur. 下面是关于交付的几个例子,请读者仔细阅读: Examples of different types of delivery 1. A finds O's mislaid ring. O say to A it's yours. A keeps it. O changes her mind. Who has title O or A? A has better right to the property because the elements are sought. The delivery aspect is met because A has possession. 2. A finds O's mislaid ring. A returns it to O. O looks at it and says to A: "Its your." O takes it to have it downsized for A. O is killed. Who has title, O or A? O has better title because A did not have possession of it. The transfer of the ring existed before the intent to give was made. A gave the ring back to O so manual transfer was not made. 3. A finds O's mislaid ring. A returns it to O. O says I promise to leave it to you when I die. O is killed. Who has title, O or A. Without a will, future intent does not qualify. It has to be present intent to kill 4. O gives savings bank book to B. (Bank permits book holders to withdraw funds)。 O dies before B takes money out. Who has title to the savings account? B because we have constructive delivery 5. O gives B check. O dies before B can cash it. Is check good? Holding- no gift until check paid because donor retains dominion and control of funds. 6. O gives A written instrument: I give you my wristwatch. O reneges. This is valid gift because symbolic delivery is satisfied. 7. O hands A the leash to his pit-bull saying "Here take this" O walks away. Has title to the pit bull passed to A.? It is unclear it "here takes this" was an intent to give, and if A accepted the gift |