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    Chapter 2 Complainant


    Article 7 A complainants as referred to herein shall mean a citizen, legal person or any other organization who, by letter, telephone or personal appearance, reports a situation or submits an opinion, proposal or request to an administrative authority at various levels.


    Article 8 The following matters may be inquired by a complainant:


    (1) Criticisms, proposals or requests for an administrative authority or its staff;


    (2) Accusing or exposing violations of laws or negligence by the staff of administrative authorities;(三)控告侵害自己合法权益的行为;

    (3) Complaints against an infringement of the rights or interests of the complainant; and


    (4) Other matters.


    If other laws or administrative regulations have prescribed the procedures for handling matters related to Item (2) or (3) of the preceding paragraph, the complainant shall present those matters pursuant to the procedures set forth in the relevant laws or administrative regulations.


    Article 9 If any matter fall into the jurisdiction of the people's congress at various levels, the standing committee of the people's congress, the people's court or the people's procurator ate at or above the county level, the complaint shall present to the relevant people's congress and the standing committee thereof, the people's court or the people's procurator ate respectively.


    Article 10 A complainant shall present his complaint reporting matter to the relevant administrative authority or its immediately superior administrative authority which shall have the power to handle and make decisions concerning the said matter according to law.


    Article 11 A complainants choosing to present an opinion, proposal or request through personal appearance shall go to a reception site established or designated by the relevant administrative authority.


    No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties.

    第十二条多人反映共同意见、建议和要求的,一般应当采用书信、电话等形式提出;Article 12 If a group of people wish to present a common opinion, proposal or request, the matter shall generally be presented through letters or by telephone.


    If the said groups of people choose to make a complaint through a personal appearance, they shall elect not more than five delegates to represent the group.


    Article 13 The complainants shall present the true facts, shall not fabricate statements, distort truth or falsely accuse or frame other persons.


    Article 14 The complainants shall comply with procedures concerning complaint reporting, shall not interfere with the work process of State organs, and shall not damage public or private property at the reception site, or harass, insult, assault or threaten the personnel handling the reception. No dangerous articles, explosives or controlled devices shall be carried with them at the reception site
