availability float [银] 存款使用变通期 The time period (or sometimes, the dollar amount) represented by checks that have been deposited but not cleared. 已被存入但尚未清算的支票所代表的期限(金额)。 available assets [银] 可用资产 Assets that may be sold relatively quickly, to meet an immediate need. 可以相对较快出售以备急用的资产。 average accounting return [银] 平均帐面回报(收益) The average project earnings after taxes and depreciation divided by the average book value of the investment during its life. 扣税和折旧后的平均项目收益除以投资期平均帐面价值。 Average Annual Growth Rate [特] 平均年度增长率 The average increase in the value of a portfolio over the period of a year. 一个投资组合在一年内价值的平均升幅 Average Annual Return [证] 平均年度回报率 A figure used when reporting the historical return of a mutual fund. The AAR is stated after expenses have been tallied, including administration fees, 12b-1 fees, and others. 用以报告共同基金历史回报表现的数据。平均年度回报率扣除了开支,包括行政费用、12b-1费用以及其他开支 |