bond swap [证] 债券互换来源:考试大 The simultaneous sale of one bond issue and the purchase of another, to stretch out maturities or for tax reasons. 是指利用两种债券头寸的差异,同时卖出某一种债券而又买入另一种债券的操作方式。是一种主动性债券组合管理战略。根据互换原因不同,可分为三种:一是替代互换;二是利率预期互换;三是市场间价差互换。 bonds [分] 公债 A long-term debt security with a stated interest rate and fixed due dates, issued by a corporation or a government, when interest and principal must be paid. There are many variations. 是bond 的复数形式,专指由政府发行的不记名债券。 book n. [会] 帐册,帐簿 来源:考试大 A chronological record of a specialist's inventory of securities and orders that other exchange members have placed with the specialist. Also called specialist's book. 是指会计账簿的总称,包括分类账、总账和其他账。 book building [银] 需求建档来源:考试大 The process by which the offer price of an IPO is based on actual demand from institutional investors. 根据机构投资者对首次公开上市的实际需求制定发行价格的过程 book entry securities [分] 记帐证券来源:考试大 Security issued not as a certificate but simply as an entry in a bank account. 是指记录在客户账户中的不记名债券。 备注: 来源:考试大 [保]代表保险,[房]代表房地产,[会]代表会计,[分]代表注册财务分析师,[银]代表银行,[证]代表证券。 |