Chinese to English 备付(超额准备)金 exess reserve 背书 endorsement 承兑 acceptance 传导机制 transmission mechanism 代理行 correspondant 定期存款 term deposit/CD 短缺经济 shortage economy 法定准备金 required reserve 防范化解 ward off + mitigate 符号经济 virtual economy 隔夜市场 overnight market 公积金 provident fund 股民保证金 Stock investor provision 回购 repo 汇率灵活的通胀目标 inflation targeting with flexible exchange rate 汇率目标 exchange rate targeting 活期存款 demand or call deposit 货币回笼 take out money 货币局 currency board 货币联盟 montary union 货币目标 monetary targeting 货币投放 issue money 货币投放 inject money 货币总量 Monetary aggregates 基础货币 money base, base money 经常帐户 current account 可传导性 transmitable 可调整的固定或爬行钉住 adjustable fixed or crawling peg 利率市场化 interest rates iberalization 美元化 dollarization 实际经济 real economy 贴现 Discount (商行对企业) 通知市场 call market (one day market) 吞吐货币 money throughput 外汇占款 mirror image of foreign exchange reserve 完全补偿 full remuneration 信贷规模 credit quota 银行同业拆借市场 Inter-bank lending market 再贷款 refinancing 再贴现 Rediscount (央行对商行) 债券市场 bond market 中介目标 intermediate target 转贴现 interbank discount (商行对商行) 准备金 provision 资本帐户 capital account 最终目标 ultimate objective English to Chinese acceptance 承兑 adjustable fixed or crawling peg 可调整的固定或爬行钉住 bond market 债券市场 call market (one day market) 通知市场 capital account 资本帐户 correspondant 代理行 credit quota 信贷规模 currency board 货币局 current account 经常帐户 demand or call deposit 活期存款 Discount (商行对企业) 贴现 dollarization 美元化 endorsement 背书 exchange rate targeting 汇率目标 exess reserve 备付(超额准备)金 full remuneration 完全补偿 inflation targeting with flexible exchange rate 汇率灵活的通胀目标 inject money 货币投放 interbank discount (商行对商行) 转贴现 Inter-bank lending market 银行同业拆借市场 interest rates iberalization 利率市场化 intermediate target 中介目标 issue money 货币投放 mirror image of foreign exchange reserve 外汇占款 Monetary aggregates 货币总量 monetary targeting 货币目标 money base, base money 基础货币 money throughput 吞吐货币 montary union 货币联盟 overnight market 隔夜市场 provident fund 公积金 provision 准备金 real economy 实际经济 Rediscount (央行对商行) 再贴现 refinancing 再贷款 repo 回购 required reserve 法定准备金 shortage economy 短缺经济 Stock investor provision 股民保证金 take out money 货币回笼 term deposit/CD 定期存款 transmission mechanism 传导机制 transmitable 可传导性 ultimate objective 最终目标 virtual economy 符号经济 ward off + mitigate 防范化解 |