순수금속통화,pure metallic currency,纯金属货币 순수독점,pure monopoly,纯粹垄断 순수동산,chattels personal,纯动产 순수시간선호,pure time preference theory,纯粹时间编好学说 순수이자율,pure rate of interest,纯利率 순수익,actual profit,纯收益 순수익비율,ratio of total expense to total,纯利润率 순수입,net receipt,纯收入 순수자본,pure capital,纯资本 순수전략,pure strategy,纯粹的战略 순수화폐의현상,purely monetary phenomenon,纯货币现象 순열,permutation,次序 순원가,flat cost,纯成本 순유통비용,,纯流通费用 순은,pure silver,纯银 순이윤,net profit,纯利 순이율,net yield,纯利率 순이익,net profit,纯益 순이익수수료,profit commission,纯益手续费 순이자,net interest,纯利息 순잉여금,net surplus,纯盈余 순잔고,decreasing net value,纯余额 순저축,net savings,纯储蓄 순준비,net reserve,纯准备金 순철,pure iron,纯职 순하폐주의,net money doctrine,纯货币主义 쉽오너,ship-owner,船东 스탬프,stamp,戳记 스티비도,stevedore,船舶装卸货人 승무원전원,complement,船上人全体人员 신용장개설독촉,,催证 십리스트,ship’s receipt,船上收货单 |