BEC情景口语:034 Etiquette at the Theatre
口语是商务英语BEC中的一部分,学会如何更好的谈判,是我们在商业领域中要学会的一门技术,下面就是商务职场中BEC口语练习的一些常用语句,一定要记住哦! 陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作,他到办公室去找美国同事Amy。 (Office ambience) C:Amy, 今天晚上的表演你去吗? A:Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Our new boss,Mr. Brown, is being kind to take us all to celebratethe success on our last project. Are you going? C:去。可我从来没去过剧院。你给我讲讲要注意些什么。我可不想在老板面前丢人。 A:The first thing you should know is to be ontime. Mr. Brown is picking up our tickets and willmeet us in front of the theater at 7 o'clock. C:我本来约好了跟朋友吃饭,然后再去。既然老板已经买了票,我们为什么还要提前到呢? A:First of all, you do as the boss requests. Secondly, it is inconsiderate to arrive just asthe curtain goes up. C:反正已经有票了,表演开始前到不就行了吗? A:That is exactly the point. If your seat happens to be in the middle of the row, you willhave to climb over everyone else. C:如果我坐在边上,里面的人后到,我该怎么做呢? A:You might want to remain standing until those people turn up. Once the lights go downto signal that the show is beginning, take your seat. C:如果表演开始后,坐在里面的人才到呢? A:Ushers generally will not seat people after the performance has begun until there is anappropriate break. Be courteous and stand to make it easier for them to get by. C:谢谢你,Amy, 我们晚上见。 ****** 晚上表演中场休息。 C:Amy, 你觉得今天的表演怎么样? A:The play is excellent, but I am having trouble seeing and hearing. C:为什么? A:Well, the woman in front of me has on a big hat. I am having trouble seeing. She wasn'tbeing thoughtful when she decided to wear that monstrosity. C: 什么叫monstrosity? A:The word relates to monster. I suppose she wanted to dress up, but she overdid it. Andby the way, what were you thinking when you decided to dress casually? C:去剧院看表演还要穿西装打领带吗? A:Absolutely, the theater is a special event and people should dress up for the occasion.You should at least have worn a coat and tie. C:可我去看电影的时候,从来都穿得很随便的呀! A:This isn't the movies. It is a sign of respect to the actors and the other theater goers tolook your best. C:其实,我去之前也犹豫了一下。 A:I wish you had asked me. Since you didn't, keep in mind that it is always better to dressup rather than dress down. |