
: 英语巴士网英语考试IELTS雅思英语英语考试内容详情


2023-11-24 15:27:12 9



11. "The data is very astonished!" (“数据非常吃惊”?典型的没有学好现在分词和过去分词的区别,应该用astonishing-“让人惊讶的”。)

12. "At that time, I was studied at university." (“我那时候在大学里被研究?”你是小白鼠吗?应该是I was studying at university。)

13. "Traveling can enlarge our eyesight." (旅行能够拓宽我们的视力?应该是broaden our horizon吧。)

14. "Today, more and more people are getting old." (不是more and more people在变老,是everybody!只要你是地球人都在getting old的......)

15. -"Are you a student or are you working now?"

-"Oh, in my opinion, I am a student." (为什么要加in my opinion?难道别人都不承认你是学生?)

16. "You need some skills, such as a partner, to play table tennis." (Partner是一种skill吗?)

17. "China is a big country, so we have four seasons." (无数小国家就没有一年四季了吗?)

18. "My boyfriend doesn't fit me." (Fit是指“大小尺寸适合”......应该用suit,不然会让人想到很A的方面......)

19. "To be my friend, you must be like animal!" (“要当我的朋友,你就得像动物一样”?多了个不必要的be意思差别好大哦!)

20. "Most Chinese people live in the north,south,east,and west of China." (除此之外还有哪里呢?)

