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2023-11-24 15:27:12 18


分析一下《剑9》第一套的口语题目,看看我们要怎样做出一个比较符合评分标准的Part 1答案。

在雅思官方给出的评分标准当中,会对我们的回答分四项去打分,我先从Lexical resource 说起,7分的第一个要求是 use a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to convey precise meaning to discuss a variety of topics. 这里有对考生答案有明显的要求,就是能对考官发问的每一个口语题中,考生的回答需要有一些对于该话题一些贴切的词汇,而不是一般考生误解所谓的难词。下面来看看《剑9》中第一套口语有关games的题目:

1) What games are popular in your country? (Why?)

2) Do you play any games? (Why/ Why not?)

3) How do people learn to play games in your country? (Why/ Why not?)

4) Do you think it's important for people to play games? (Why/ Why not?)

我们在备考时,看到这个话题,同学首先来想想,有什么对于games 贴切的话题词汇呢? 能不能想出以下这些,如 board games, card games, chess, gambling, poker, win, lose, team, indoor games, outdoor games等…

当然如果想要了解更多相关的词汇,不妨在字典或百科网站上寻找多些有关这个话题的less common 及 idiomatic vocabulary 如: stake money on, ticking over等来充实我们的答案。注意,我们需要在复习时需要连同该单词之一些collocations 一拼学习。找出一些相关的词汇后,看看我们能不能跟据问题,组织一个贴切的答案呢?如:

1) What games are popular in your country? (Why?)

Most of the adults are massively into games that they can stake money on.

Seniors tend to play some board games.

除了词汇外,我们还有看看另外一个评分标准Fluency & Coherence (流利度及连贯性), 达到7分,我们需要speaks at length without notice effort or loss of coherence,所以我们在备考当中第一样我们要达到有长度的答案,所以面对考官的问题,我们除了要给出直接的回答外,还要再多讲一些细节、原因、举例。把上文的答案修正一下,让这个答案变得更完整。

如:Most of the adults are massively into games that they can stake money on, such as, card games like, poker or rummy. Seniors tend to play some board games, such as chess to keep their brains ticking over.

在流利度及连贯性的第二个要点是 uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility. 先想想我们为什么要在答案里加入连词及一些冗语? 其实目的是需要学生用这些词来保持你在回答时的流利度,回答一个比较自然的回答,而不是要大家在准备的时像写作一样把文章写下,然后朗读出来,这也是雅思写作跟口语考试其中的一个差别。所以我们在准备答案的同时,不妨加一些不同的连接或冗语来代替你平常回答时的 Um,.. Ur… 等来提高你的流利度呢?看看以下例子,会比会觉得说出来顺口多了?

Well, probably I think most of the adults are massively into games that they can stake money on, I guess, card games maybe like, poker, rummy or something like that whereas seniors tend to play some board games, such as chess to keep their brains ticking over.

所以整体 来说我们能总结以下第一部份的回答方法:linking phrase/ discourse marker + direct response + linking phrase(s)/ discourse marker(s) + detail/reason/example

第三个评分标准是grammatical range and accuracy简单来说,就只有两点。1、当然是回答时的语法准确度,最好解决方法其实就是将自己的答案录下来,写下答案,改正语法错误避免再犯就可以了,最常见的错误有时态,代名词使用以及单,复数的语法问题;2、是uses a wide range of structures flexibly, 我们要清楚的是,复杂的结构跟复杂的句型不一样,在口语中复杂的结构包括时态的灵活使用。如下例:

2) Do you play any games? (Why/ Why not?)

To be honest, not actually, I haven"t played games for quite a while since I became a grown-up. But I used to play some children's games, like hide-and-seek or musical chair with my friends all the time when I was a kid. Well, you know, it's, kind of, fun and it's really a good game for getting people to mix.

最后一个评分标准,也是口语考试特有的,就是pronunciation。一般考生会应为只要把所有单词念对,就能拿到高分。其实做到这其实还不够的,来看看评分标准对发音部分还有什么样的要求,uses a range of pronunciation features。这就其实是在英文会话时的一些发音特质,在中文中我们讲话也不会一口气把东西讲完,会有停顿、分句,英文也一样,所以考生应在准备时把以下四种发音特质找出来。分别是: 1)应该停顿的地方,2)强调的词或音,3)弱音或加速 4)拉长或慢读。


3) How do people learn to play games in your country? (Why/ Why not?)

Well, I suppose, most of the game rules are quite simple and pretty straightforward, they're kind of easy to understand. So I won't think it's too hard to play if you try it once or two. Well, you know, your friends will certainly try hard to teach you if they really want you to play with them.

4) Do you think it's important for people to play games? (Why/ Why not?)

I'm not sure, I haven't thought about this, but I guess, yes, playing game could be a good way to promote friendship; especially some team games, which involve a bunch of players, you know, like, Tug of war or stuff like that. Well, I think, on top of that, maybe, winning the game could give us a feeling of accomplishment. Well, actually it's just my guess.

