在刚刚过去的9月份考试中,旧题比例基本保持稳定(分别为3旧;2旧;1旧;2旧)。10月份因为国庆节放假,只有3场考试,而其中两场都出现了全部为新题的情况。 Section1和Section2仍然多为经典场景:job, booking, sports and lesure,不过题型更加多变,不像往常Section1往往是全部填空题或者填空搭配选择,这次Section1有多次出现配对题型。除此之外,以往Section1通常考察的词汇较为简单基础,但这两个月的题目中S1有出现slide, decoration, project等稍有难度的词汇。9,10两个月map题型只出现过一次,为一个activity centre的内部布局图。在接下来的考试中,很有可能会再次考察地图,烤鸭们需做好准备。 Section3一如既往都是学习研究类的话题,单多选配对居多,也有一定比例的填空题,烤鸭需要多梳理学习研究类高频词汇,配合练习剑桥系列3,4部分的选择题型。Section4填空居多,也出现了一部分选择题,话题较为广泛,工业,城市发展,艺术等等都有涉及。 综合以上,烤鸭们尽量多梳理高频场景,并且对单多选和配对进行练习,若有时间,可以仔细研究一下剑桥系列地图题。 以下是高频场景词汇及机经版本号: Accommodation: 词汇:host family, guest, apartment, bedsit, single room, double room, kitchen, study, basement, garage, elevator, halls of residence, dormitory, rent, deposit, microwave oven, heater, air conditioner等等 高频机经号: V100508S1 V100626S1 V110122S1 V110212S1 V110820S1 V110915S1(house cleaning) V111201S1(搬家) V111210S1(搬家)V120121S1 V120707S1 V121027S1 V41S1=V67S1 V06141S1 V30072S1 V33S1 V08143S1 V08122S1 V08111S1 V09131S1 V09134S1 V09138S1(酒店住宿) V09139S1=V30039S1 V09143S1 V09108S1 V09111S1 V06113S2 V09140S2 V09115S2=V08132S2 (accommodation on campus) V120512S2 V121215S2 Travelling: 词汇:guided tour, hostel, pool, route, view, amusement park, hill, mountain, waterfall, cave, castle, temple, coach, shuttle bus, minibus, coach, underground/subway/metro/tube, cab/taxi, express train, reserve a seat, discount等等 高频机经号: V110108S1 V110217S1 V110402S1= V30080S1 V110430S1 V110728S1 V110917S1 V100109S1 V100130S1 V100230S1 V100415S1 V100605S1 V101009S1 V101204S1 V110219S2 V110312S2 V110319S2 V110416S2 V110514S2=V41S2 V110519S2 V110528S2 V110604S2 V110611S2 V110728S2 V110730S2 V110813S2 V110820S2 V111020S2 V111105S2 V111203S2 V111217S2 V100114S2 V100327S2 V100410S2 V100520S2 V100605S2 V100626S2 V100715S2 V100828S2 V101009S2 V101104S2 V101120S2 V101127S2 V101216S2 V30020S2 Job: 词汇: part- time, full-time, uniform, reference, position, agent/ agency, assistant, secretary, receptionist, manager, journalist, flexible working hours, paid holiday, responsibility/ duty等等 高频机经号: V100925S1 V101211S1 V110305S1 V110310S1 V120331S1 V120922S1 V30020S1 V30081S1 V05106S1 V07132S1 V07134S1 V09115S1 V09126S1 V09130S1 V100206S2 V100805S2 V120209S2 V120421S2 V120428S2 V120811S2 V30020S2 V30059S2 V07109S2 V07134S2 V08136S2 V09106S2 V09141S2 V09137S2 Music and sport: 词汇: Stadium, studio, clubhouse, changing room, salad bar, tennis court, squash court, membership card, reception, annual fee, instructor, newsletter, concert, department store, craft等等 高频机经号: V09120S1 V10327S1 V110507S1 V111022S1 V100327S1 V110611s1 V0913S1 V40106S1 V110218S1 V07142S2 V101014S2 V30080S2 V06325S2 V09314S2 V30086S2 V110402S2 V07138S2 V110414S2 V110430S2 V110707S2 Research: 词汇:essay, dissertation, survey, investigation, questionnaire, assignment, assessment, presentation, lecturer, tutor, tutorial, seminar, reference, bibliography, research method, data/statistics, index/ catalogue, journal article, subject, major等等 高频机经号: V30019S3 V30032S3 V30033S3 V30043S3 V30059S3 V20038S3 V30039S3 V30072S3 V30085S3 V30086S3 V08116S3 V08122S3 V08147S3 V08132S3 V19102S3 V09107S3 V09111S3 V09113S3 V09112S3 V191114S3 V09115S3 V09121S3 V09132S3 V09135S3 V09140S3 V09142S3 V09146S3 V100227S3 V100520S3 V101014S3 V110217S3 V110402S3 V110623S3 V111008S3 V111203S3 V12107S3 V120112S3 Business: 词汇:finance, economy, , investment, fund, capital, gender, individual, attitude, success, efficiency, independence/ independent, insurance, achievement, stress/ pressure, expert, factor, employer/employee, priority, interview等等 高频机经号: V110115S2 V110127S2 V100123S2 V100424S2 V100515S2 V100619S2 V120728S4 V110428S4 V110430S4 V110825S4 V110924S4 V111210S4 V110306S4 V100515S4 V100626S4 V101023S4 V101204S4 V09128S4 V09141S4 V08144S4 V08129S4 V06119S4 Animal and plantation: 词汇:species, rare breed, fur, skeleton, tail, migration, habitat, inhabitant, pattern, insect, mammal, competitor/ rival, crop, livestock, disease, wildlife, digestion, diversity, food chain, shore, coastline, current, wave, soil, fossil等等 高频机经号: V110312S4 V110402S4 V110528S4 V110611S4 V110623S4 V110827S4 V100828S4 V090121S4 V08120S4 V30078S3 V30080S3 V30040S4 V30061S4 V30072S4 V30076S4 V40101S4 V08144S2 |