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Unit 10
 1. When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as ____.

[A] novel [B] remote

[C] distant[D] foreign

 2. My favorite radio song is the one I first heard on a thick 1923 Edison disc I ____ at a garage sale.

[A] trifled with  [B] scraped through

[C] stumbled upon [D] thirsted for

 3. Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could ____.

[A] descend[B] decline

[C] deteriorate[D] depress

 4. Equipment not ____ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.

[A] conforming to [B] consistent with

[C] predominant over  [D] providing for

 5. As an industry, biotechnology stands to ____ electronics in dollar volume and perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.

[A] contend[B] contest

[C] rival [D] strive

 6. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith will ____ in looking after their baby.

[A] alternate [B] alter

[C] change [D] differ

 7. Every manager needs a secretary that he can ____ to take care of something that may occur in his absence.

[A] count on  [B] count off

[C] count for [D] count out

 8. If banks on the city failed in one day, there would be a ____ among businessmen.

[A] fear  [B] terror

[C] dread [D] panic

 9. Sometimes manufacturers can not sell a product because it does not ____ the expectations of potential customers.

[A] confine to [B] conform to

[C] confer with[D] confide to

 10. It is commonly held that language problems are very often ____ by cultural misunderstanding.

[A] decreased [B] solved

[C] compounded [D] overlooked

 11. Her letter was in such a casual scrawl, and in such pale ink, that it was ____.

[A] unintelligible [B] vague

[C] obscure[D] illegible

 12. A legend is a popular story ____ history, but which has been elaborated beyond the point of verification.

[A] rooted in [B] confined to

[C] cherished by  [D] lost in

 13. Thomas Edison considered genius to be ____ one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

[A] composed of[B] constituted in

[C] consisted of  [D] comprised in

 14. Labor unions in some western countries are ____ a 35-hour week in order to create more jobs.

[A] advocating [B] attacking

[C] opposing  [D] praising

 15. It's been decided as a rule that our faculty gives travelling ____ to those who travel in the course of their work.

[A] allowances [B] alliances

[C] appliances [D] allotments

 16. Both military and ____ personnel attended the conference to confer on the defense budget of the country.

[A] civilian  [B] civil

[C] common [D] ordinary

 17. Our show features consist of fifty ____ dancing girls, all of whom have attended recent years' beauty contest.

[A] gloomy [B] luxurious

[C] gorgeous  [D] glorious

 18. We shook hands and then embraced each other as a ____ of our friendship.

[A] reason [B] significance

[C] proof [D] token

 19. Can one color ____ into another? If yes, what color will it result?

[A] connect[B] merge

[C] associate [D] attach

 20. This intervention in another nation's affairs has set a ____ which we hope other countries will not follow.

[A] precedent [B] precedence

[C] priority  [D] presentation

 21. Some scientists believe that soon it will be ____ for people to travel to the moon.

[A] classic[B] commonwealth

[C] commonplace[D] commonsense

 22. His ____ in English, French and Italian made him a prominent interpreter in the country.

[A] proficiency[B] diversion

[C] immersion [D] involvement

 23. The police ____ that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

[A] allege [B] pledge

[C] promise[D] proclaim

 24. He makes a living by ____ tobacco and sweets in a small shop.

[A] wholesaling[B] retailing

[C] retaining [D] reserving

 25. It would be nice to have another holiday, but we've got to be ____ --we can't really afford one.

[A] real  [B] idealistic

[C] realistic [D] reasonable

 26. The lack of manners and common politeness is not ____ to business deals. It's a social blank.

[A] exclusive [B] inclusive 

[C] elusive[D] impassive

 27. In the Christian religion, the unlucky number 13 ____ back to the Last Supper.

[A] tracks [B] traces

[C] dates [D] tails

 28. If you are not ____ enough in your home language, you can't handle abstract thought.

[A] literary  [B] literate

[C] illiterate [D] intelligent

 29. A professional novelist ____ the hopes of amateur rivals when he won the Second World One-Day Novel Cup.

[A] abashed[B] dashed

[C] gashed [D] crashed

 30. The girl was so ____ that they could fool her easily.

[A] incredible [B] credible

[C] credulous [D] creditable

