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2023-11-24 15:27:12 3


.3月19日中午第1课 总第6课
#adjust vi.(to)适应 vt.校正,校准,调整;调节,改变……以适应
He soon adjusted to his new way of life.
#adminstration n.管理,经营,支配;管理部门,行政机关,政府;实行,执行
The Red Cross handled the administration of aid to the refugees.
#admission n.准许进入,准许加入;入场费,入场券;承认,供认
China gained the admission to WTO.
#adopt vt.
He adopted his friend's ideas.
#adult n. 成年人a.成年的,充分成长的;成年人,适宜于成年人
This film is suitable for adoults only.
#advance vi.前进,向前移动;取得进展;(价格等)上涨,增加 vt.预先发放,预先支付;提前,是提前发生;提出(建议等) a.预先的;先行的 n. 前进,前移;进展,改进
in advance预先,事先;在前面
The rent must be paid in advance.
#advanced a.超前的,先进的;高级的,高等的;年迈的,后阶段的
This country is advanced in industrial development .
#advantage n. 优点,有利条件,有利因素;利益,好处
take advantage of 利用;占……的便宜
to advantage 有利的;使优点突出的
The advantages overweigh the disadvantages.
#adverb n.
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb,an adjective,or another adverb.
#advertise vt.为……做广告,宣传;(在报刊、电视、广播等中)公告,公布 登广告,vi.做广告;登公告
Manufacturers advertise their products on TV.

3月19日中午第2课 总第7课
#advertisement n.
Advertisement helps to sell goods.
#advisable a.
It is not advisable to swim after a meal .
#advocate vt. n.
H e advocates buliding more schools .
#affect v.
Smoking affects health.
#affection n.
I tried to win her affection.
#afterward(s) ad.
We saw the film and afterwards walked home together .
#again ad .
*again and again 再三的,反复不止的
I've told you again and again not to do that .
#agency n.
The large firm has agencies all over the world .
#agenda n.
The agenda has been settled.
#agent n.
The company has employed a new sales agent .

3月19日 晚上第1课 总第8课
#aggressive a.侵略的,侵犯的,挑衅的;敢做敢为的,有进取心的
Aggressive nations threaten world peace.
#ahead ad.提前,预先
*ahead of比……提前,比……更早
The time in london is five hours ahead of the time in New York.
#aid n.帮助,援助,救助;助手,辅助物,辅助手段vt. 帮助援助救助
Through your aid I succeed in my work.
#aim n. vt. vi.
What's your aim in life?
#air n. vt.
*clear the air 消除误会
*in the air 流传中
*off the air 停播
*on the air 广播
*up in the air 悬而未决的
Our plans are still (up)in the air.
#aircraft n.
Several aircraft were standing at the far end of the field
#airline n.
The airline has ordered 25 aircraft .
#alarm n. 惊恐。忧虑;警钟,报警器,闹钟;警报vt.使惊恐,使担心
The accident caused great alarm.
#alcohol n.
The doctor told me to keep off alcohol.
#alert a. vt. n.
In our reading we should always be alert for new usages.
*on the alert

3月19日 晚第2课 总第9课
#alike a. ad.
The two brothers are very much alike.
#alive a.
Are your grandparents still alive?
#all a. ad. pron
*above all首先,尤其是
*after all 毕竟,终究究竟
*all but 几乎,差不多
*all in all 从各方面说,总的来说
*all over 到处,遍及
I'm aching all over after the match .
*at all [勇于否定句]丝毫,一点
*for all 尽管虽然
*in all 总共共计
#alliance n.
The two countries entered into a defensive alliance.
#allow vt.
Passengers are not allowed to smoke.
*allow for
* allow of
The facts allow of only one explanation .
#allowance n. 津贴补贴,零用钱
My monthly allowance is 50 yuan.
*make allowance(s) for考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅
#ally n. v.
Austria was an ally of Germany.
#alone a. ad.
*leave alone 不打扰,不惊动
He is busy ,we'd better leave him alone .
*let alone不打扰不惊动更别提
#along ad.prep.
Come along or we'll be late.
*all along
*along with
#alongside ad.prep.
I sat alongside of him.

3月19日 晚第3课 总第10课
#alphabet n.
There are 26 letters in the english alphabet.
#alter v.
The pkane altered course .
#alternative a .n.
There are alternative answers to your problem.
#altitude n .
We are flying at an altitude of 20000 feet.
#aluminum n. 铝
Aluminum is widely used in industry.
#amateur n.业余爱好者,业余运动员;外行,粗通某一行的人
Although he's only an amateur he's a first-class player.
#amaze vt.
Your knowledge amazes me.
#ambassador n.
He was appointed the ambassador to Greece.
#ambition n.期望得到的东西;抱负
She's clever but she lacks ambition.
#ambulance n. 救护车
They were taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.


