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大家在做题的时候一定有疑问吧? 希望大家能够把自己的问题拿到这个帖子来,大家一起互相帮忙,努力解决~!!

“You are getting too old for football. you'd better ( ) tennis instead.

1 take in 2 take up 3 take for 4 take over.


You see the lightning ( ) it happens. but you hear the thunder later.

1 the instant 2 for an instant c on the instant d in an instant


1. You take sth. Or someone in when you take them with you when you enter a place.
2. An establishment or organization takes someone in when it accepts or admits them as a guest or a member.
3. You take something in when you understand, notice, observe or judge it.
4. To take in sth. Is to include it as a part of sth. larger.
5. You are taken in by someone when you are fooled or deceived by them.
6. You take sth. in when you visit it or go to see it, while staying in or touring a place.
7. You take sth. in when you take it into your house from outside.
8. Someone who takes in work such as washing earns money by doing other people’s washing in their own home.
9. You use take in when talking about substances such as food, water and air that enter your body.
10. To take in a piece of clothing is to make it narrower by repositioning the joins at the edges.

1. You take sth. or someone up when you take them with you when you go or move to a place or position that is, or is thought to be, higher than where you start from.
2. (formal) You take sth. up when you lift it and begin to hold or carry it.
3. You take sth. up when you start doing it as a regular activity, hobby or job.
4. You can also use take up when talking about states or conditions that are beginning to exist.
5. Sth. takes up time, space or effort when it uses it or occupies it.
6. You take up a particular position or attitude when you adopt or assume it.
7. You take sth. up when you discuss it or deal with it.
8. You take up sth. that is offered or is available when you accept it.
9. You take up sth. that has stopped, or that someone else has finished, when you continue it.
10. You take up sth. that is fixed to the floor or the ground when you detach it and lift it.
11. To take up a substance is to absorb it, esp. from the ground or from a lower place
12. To take up sth. such as a dress or coat is to make it shorter by folding the bottom edge up and stitching it.

1. You take one person or thing for another when you mistakenly identify one for the other.
2. People often say ‘what do you take me for’ in angry response to someone who has suggested they might behave foolishly or inappropriately.

1. You take over, or take sth. over, when you gain control of sth. or responsibility for sth. in place of someone else, either by using force or authority, or when invited after someone else has finished.
2. You take someone over to a place when you take them with you when you go there.
3. Sth. that takes over becomes more important, powerful, influential or popular.
4. You take over a place when you begin living or working there after someone else has left.
5. Sth. that takes you over occupies all your attention, energy or thoughts, perhaps making you behave strangely or unreasonable.
6. You take time or trouble over sth. when you are careful to do it properly or well.

the instant: 此刻,刹那;
the instant ...: 一 ... 就 ...

for an instant
片刻, 一瞬间

on the instant
立即, 马上

in an instant
立即; 马上

