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Is it something we should be nervous aboutthe world's second largest economy steaming to storm?


Well, you think so Emily. And itdefinitely, it's more proved thatChina's been impacted by the globalslowdown we’ve all talked about. For example, wesaw the second quarter of GDPcome at 7.6%, that was its weakest level in more than 3 years. And just today,China'sPMI came in at that 8 months low than you’d mentioned. Now take a look at thenumbers.China'sofficial Purchasing Managers Index for July, PMI came in as 50.1%. Last monthit came in at this: 50.2%. So we’re not talking about the big drop right. Butthis is a dropnonetheless. The good news is thatChinahas been expanding for all ofthis year at least. Take a look at these, these numbers here. The bad news isthat it’s getting to that all important 50-mark and I raised that becauseanything below 50 indicates contraction. And last summer we saw that was backhere in November. Now still HSBC's chief economist Qu Hongbin, he was all thatimpressed about today's numbers. This is what he thought aboutChina'sJuly data. He said this: This is far from inspiring, asChina's growth slowdown has notbeen reversed meaningfully, and he also added: and downside pressures persistwith external markets continuing to deteriorate. He also added we still alsoexpect Beijingto step up a policy easing in the coming month just support growth andemployment. But of the back of today's PMI data not all, not all that greatstill growing. Beijingdid pledge to keep economic growth stable and did cheering investigators to buyinto the stocks today and has mentioned earlier. The Shanghai Composite andHang Seng did both rise while all the other markets did end in the run.

哦,艾米莉,您是这样理解的。很显然,更多证据表明,中国深受被人们天天挂在嘴边的全球经济衰退的影响。举例来说,数据显示第二季度GDP增长为7.6%,这是三年多来的最低水平。如您所说,就在今天,中国采购经理指数(PMI)滑向8个月来的最低点。现在让我们看一下这些数字,官方制造业采购经理指数(PMI)7月份下滑至50.1%,上个月还是50.2%。虽然这并不是最大幅度的下降,但是它下降了。如果说有好消息,那就是中国经济今年继续扩张。再看一下这些数据。坏消息是:一个非常重要的指数,汇丰(HSBC)制造业采购经理指数终值低于50点(荣枯分界线),我提请大家注意这一数值,因为低于50则意味着紧缩。去年夏天,及11月都曾低于50点以下。汇丰银行(HSBC) 首席经济师曲宏斌对今天的数值也很担忧。他是这样分析中国7月份的经济数据的,“情况不容乐观,中国经济下滑的趋势并没有显著回转。”他还补充道,“伴随着外部市场持续恶化,下滑压力继续存在”。他认为,“我们还是期待北京能够加速制定支持增长和就业的政策,以缓解接下来几个月的压力。但是,今天的PMI数据没有这么糟糕,经济增长幅度不大,但仍在增长。北京曾保证要保持经济稳定增长,并鼓励投资者买进股票。上海综合指数和恒生指数也都有所增长,但其他股票市场没有显示增长。
