本文由郭小会英语幽默授权爱思英语发布,转载请注明出处和作者 通过幽默句子记大学四级单词 Administration(名词)管理,管理部门 场景再现:讽刺现在的政府老是推卸责任。 Republican: What made George Washington such a great President? Democrat: He never blamed any of the country’s problems on the previous administration. 民主党:什么使华盛顿成为这么伟大的总统? 共和党:他从不把国家的问题归咎于以前的政府。 注:华盛顿是美国第一任总统,他以诚实著称,承认自己砍倒了樱桃树。 场景再现:在中国没本事但谦虚的人很吃香,英国也一样: The English instinctively admire any man who has no talent and is modest about it. 英国人本能地钦佩没有才能并且十分谦虚的人。 A tedious railway journey was made in a train that seemed to stop every few minutes to admire the scenery. 乏味的铁路旅行好象火车每隔几分就停下来欣赏风景一样。 A modest man is often admired --- if people ever hear of him. 谦虚的人总是被人钦佩——如果人们听说过他的话。 注:谦虚的人大都默默无闻,所以在现在这个社会,不要吹嘘,但也不要太谦虚,要表现出真实的自己 场景再现:医生在美国挣钱多,受人尊敬,你给同学们讲一个还没考上医学院就想着打高尔夫的人的故事: An applicant was being interviewed for admission to a prominent medical school. "Tell me," inquired the interviewer, "where do you expect to be ten years from now?" "Well, let's see," replied the student. "It's Wednesday afternoon. I guess I'll be on the golf course by now." 一个应聘者正在接受一所著名医学院的入学面试。考官说,“告诉我,十年后你希望自己在哪儿?” “让我想想”,学生回答,“今天是星期三下午,我想我现在正在高尔夫球场”。 场景再现:现在很多人都想当公务员,也属于从政范畴,你说: In politics……never retract, never retract……never admit a mistake. 从政时…….决不要退缩,决不要退缩……决不要承认错误。 注:从政的人脸皮要厚。 I admit I would rather choose a wife who has the usual number of limbs …..and although one eye may be very agreeable, society has always been in favor of two. 我承认我宁愿选择一个四肢健全的妻子……尽管一只眼睛也可能很令人愉快,但世俗还是认为两只眼睛好。 注:世俗的偏见认为两只眼睛好,认为头发茂盛好。 The law forbids me from admitting I'm wrong. 法律禁止我承认错误。 场景再现:很多人一成不变地生活着,没有机会换一种活法,你说: Retirement is when millions of Americans finally have the opportunity to adopt an alternate[交替的] lifestyle --- poverty. 退休是百万美国人终于有机会换一种方式生活了——贫穷。 注:退休后只拿固定的退休金,挣得少了,以前打高尔夫的改成弹玻璃球了。 Leo: Listen, I’m nobody’s fool. Cleo: Then why don’t you get yourself adopted? Leo:听着,谁也不能把我当傻瓜。 Cleo:为什么你不收养你自己呢? 注:I’m nobody’s fool字面意思是:我可不是别人的傻瓜。 “What’s the idea of the Greens having French lessons?” “They have adopted a French baby, and want to understand what she says when she begins to talk.” “Green夫妇为什么要学法语呢?” “他们收养了一名法国婴儿,想等她开口讲话时能听懂她的话。 注:这对夫妇考虑多周到啊。 |