大学英语四六级考试中的汉译英部分总是让很多同学头疼。中国特色的表达要用英语说出来,并不是一件容易的事。尤其是时政类的词汇表达总是在更新,如果我们不经常更新自己的词汇库,那么考试的时候就很可能会抓瞎。 这里为大家准备了翻译考试中经常会出现的文化类和政经类表达,有时间要看一看啊! 文化类 1.金 metal 2.木 wood 3.水 water 4.火 fire 5.土 earth 6.炎黄子孙 Chinese descent 7.五行 five elements 8.风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen 9.阳历 solar calendar 10.阴历 lunar calendar 11.闰年 leap year 12.十二生肖 zodiac 13.财神爷 the God of Wealth 14.阎王爷 King of Hell 15.玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor 16.儒家文化 Confucian Culture 17.刺绣 Embroidery 18.剪纸 Paper Cutting 19.书法 Calligraphy 20.象形文字 Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 21.《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West /Journey to the West 22.《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms 23.《红楼梦》A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 24.《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes /Water Margins 25.《论语》 Analects of Confucius 26.《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals 27.《史记》 Historical Records 28.《孟子》 The Mencius 29.《诗经》 The Book of Odes 30.国庆节 National Day 31.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day/Festival 32.春节 Spring Festival 33.元宵节 the Lantern Festival 34.除夕 Chinese New Year’s Eve /Eve of the Spring Festival 35.清明节 the Qing Ming Festival 36.端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 37.重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival 38.植树节Arbor Day 39.劳动节Labor Day 40.中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day 41.七夕节Chinese Valentine's Day 42.春联spring couplets 43.春运the Spring Festival travel 44.剪纸 paper-cut 45.国画 Chinese painting 46.豆腐 tofu 47.火锅 hot pot 48.八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding 49.粽子 rice dumpling 50.月饼 moon cake 51.爆竹firecracker 52.年画(traditional) New Year pictures 53.压岁钱New Year gift-money 54.守岁 staying-up 55.拜年 pay new year's call 56.禁忌 taboo 57.去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 58.祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 59.辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 60.扫房 spring cleaning /general house-cleaning 61.年糕 rice cake/new year cake 62.团圆饭 family reunion dinner 63.年夜饭 the dinner on new year's eve 64.舞龙dragon dance 65.舞狮lion dance 66.元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings 67.花灯festival lantern 68.灯谜lantern riddle 69.宣纸 rice paper 70.叩头 kowtow 71.孔子Confucius 72.武术Chinese Martial Arts 73.功夫 kung fu 74.中庸 the way of medium 75.中和 harmony 76.火药 gunpowder 77.印/玺 Seal/Stamp 78.京剧 Beijing Opera/Peking Opera 79.仁righteousness 80.理propriety 81.智wisdom 82.信 fidelity 83.三纲五常three cardinal guides and five constant virtues 84.秦始皇陵 The Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Tomb 85.天安门广场Tian’anmen Square 86.人民英雄纪念碑 The Monument to the People’s Heroes 87.人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People 88.故宫 The Forbidden City 89.颐和园 The Summer Palace 90.长城 The Great Wall 91.西湖 West Lake 92.重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage 93.民间艺术 outstanding folk arts 94.历史文化名村名镇towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage 95.美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in 经济类 1.必须毫不动摇坚持以经济建设为中心 remain committed to economic development as our central task 2.使中国经济这艘巨轮破浪远航 ensure that China's economy, like a gigantic ship, breaks the waves and goes the distance 3.新动能异军突起 new driving forces emerge 4. 培育壮大新动能 build up powerful new drivers 5.推动新技术、新产业、新业态加快成长 move faster to develop new technologies, industries, and forms of business 6.建设共享平台 create sharing platforms 7.世界经济深度调整、复苏乏力 the global economy is experiencing profound changes and struggling to recover 8.经济增速换挡 the change of pace in economic growth 9.经济韧性强、潜力足、回旋余地大 economy is hugely resilient and has enormous potential and ample room for growth 10.长江经济带发展战略 The Yangtze Economic Belt initiative 11.经济运行保持在合理区间 The economy operated within an appropriate range. 12.提高实体经济的整体素质和竞争力 improve the overall quality and competitiveness of the real economy 13.支持分享经济发展 give our support to the development of a sharing economy 14.更好激发非公有制经济活力 energize the non-public sector 15.依法平等保护各种所有制经济产权 provide equal protection to the property rights of entities under all forms of ownership 16.促进资源型地区经济转型升级 promote the economic transformation and upgrading of resource-dependent regions 17.顺应国内经济提质增效升级的迫切需要 respond to the urgent need to improve the performance of and upgrade China's economy 18.为经济发展营造良好环境 create an enabling environment for economic development 19.国际收支基本平衡 a basic balance in international payments 20.增强经济发展新动力 strengthen the new growth engines 21.开放型经济新体制 new systems for developing an open economy 22.互利合作 mutually beneficial cooperation 23.国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划 (“十三五”规划) the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China (the 13th Five-Year Plan ) 24.引领经济发展新常态 guide the new normal in China’s economic development 25.中高速增长 medium-high rate of economic growth 政治类 1.一个中国原则 the one-China principle 2.与时俱进 keep pace with the times 3.综合国力 overall national strength 4.共同愿望common desire 5.“走出去”(战略)going global 6.不结盟 non-alignment 7.单边主义 unilateralism 8.多边政策 multilateralism 9.人口老龄化 aging of population 10.人口出生率 birth rate 11.“两个一百年”目标 two centenary goals 12.推进全面从严治党push forward the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party 13.党和国家的根本利益the fundamental interests of the Party and state 14.全面小康社会all-round moderately prosperous society 15.社会主义现代化国家modern socialist country 16.全国各族人民的根本利益 the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China 17.执政地位 the ruling status 18.社会主义核心价值观socialist core values 19.维护社会和谐稳定 safeguard social harmony and stability 20.不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面 continuously open up new prospects for socialism with Chinese characteristics 21.人与自然和谐共生 harmony between humankind and nature 22.美丽中国建设 Beautiful China Initiative 23.资源节约型、环境友好型社会 resource-conserving, environmentally friendly society 24.国家生态文明试验区 national ecological conservation pilot zone 25.重点生态功能区 important ecological area (IEA) 26.绿色低碳循环发展产业体系 industrial system geared toward green, low-carbon, and circular development 27.循环发展引领计划initiative to guide the shift toward circular development 28.全民节能行动计划 Nation of Energy Savers Initiative 29.计划生育基本国策 basic state policy of family planning 30.为政之道,民生为本 That government is best which gives prime place to the wellbeing of the people. 31.区域协同发展coordinated development between regions 32.城乡发展一体化urban-rural integration 33.物质文明和精神文明协调发展 ensure that cultural-ethical and material development progress together 34.协同创新collaborative innovation 35.全面建成小康社会决胜阶段 the decisive stage in finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects 36.坚持人民主体地位uphold the principal position of the people 37.创新发展 innovative development 38.创新是引领发展的第一动力innovation is the primary engine of development. 39.协调发展coordinated development 40.协调是持续健康发展的内在要求 Coordination is an integral aspect of sustained and healthy development. 41.人与自然和谐发展 humankind develops in harmony with nature; harmonious development between man and nature 42.G20峰会主办国 the host of the G20 43.G20峰会成员国 G20 members 44.嘉宾国 guest countries 45.国际组织 international organization 46.新兴市场国家 emerging markets 47.领导人峰会 Leaders' Summit 48.主题 theme 49.论坛 forum 50.发展中国家 developing countries (来源:有道考神,编辑:Helen) |