
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情






1. 市场经济market economy

2. 计划经济 planned economy

3. 可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development

4. 消费观consumption concept

5. 改革开放reform and opening up

6. 经济特区special economic zone

7. 社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

8. 合作论坛Cooperation Forum

9. 资本主义capitalism

10. 证券市场stock market


二、科技science and technology

1. 工业革命industrial revolution

2. 信息技术information technology

3. 创新成果innovation achievement

4. 试验田 test field

5. 高速列车 high-speed train

6. 导航系统navigation system

7. 能源消耗 energy consumption

8. 可替代燃料alternative fuel

9. 科学探索scientific exploration

10. 电子设备electronic device



1. 义务教育compulsory education

2. 教育部 Ministry of Education

3. 职业学校vocational school

4. 大学文凭 college diploma

5. 高等教育higher education

6. 留守儿童leftover children

7. 偏远地区remote area

8. 课外班extra-curricular classes

9. 应届生 graduating students

10. 乡村教师rural teachers



1. 糖尿病diabetes

2. 肥胖症obesity

3. 肺炎pneumonia

4. 营养不良malnutrition

5. 均衡的饮食a well-balanced diet

6. 体检physical examination

7. 医疗保健 health care

8. 禁烟令smoking bans

9. 无偿献血donate blood without payment

10. 中医traditional Chinese medicine



1. 雾霾fog and haze

2. 泥石流mudslide

3. 热带风暴tropical storm

4. 病毒携带者virus carrier

5. 受灾地区stricken area

6. 救灾工作 rescue effort

7. 核泄漏nuclear leak

8. 安全保障措施 safety precaution

9. 交通安全 traffic safety

10. 环境污染 environmental pollution



1. 田径track and field

2. 举重weightlifting

3. 击剑fencing

4. 赛艇rowing

5. 射箭toxophily

6. 锦标赛;冠军赛championships

7. 奥运会the Olympic Games

8. 记录保持者record holder

9. 申办城市the bidding cities

10. 开幕式opening ceremony



1. 造纸术papermaking

2. 火药gunpowder

3. 印刷术 printing press

4. 指南针compass

5. 纺车spinning wheel

6. 蒸汽发动机 steam engine

7. 发明专利patent of invention

8. 创新精神creative spirit

9. 设计创意design creativity

10. 造福人类benefit mankind / bring benefit to the people


八、节假日festival and holiday

1. 阴历lunar calendar

2. 阳历solar calendar

3. 清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day

4. 重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival

5. 腊八节the Laba Rice Porridge Festival

6. 除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve

7. 元宵节the Lantern Festival

8. 劳动节 International Labor Day

9. 中秋节 the Mid-autumn Festival

10. 法定节日legal holiday


