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China's cyber security law came into effect on June 1.The new law, adopted by the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, will better shield key information infrastructure and citizens' personal information .The new law says information and important data in key fields should be especially protected. Another highlight of China's cyber security law is the ban on online service providers collecting users' personal information irrelevant to the service, because some of them sell it to make money illegally.



China's most beautiful countryside forges new tourism engine. To extend the time of popularity and attract more tourists' attention, the government has decided to transform industries and apply new modes to improve the countryside's tourism. Beijing launched a project to renovate its countryside in 2004, and about 1.2 billion yuan ($174.3 million) was invested into the upgrade from 2004 to 2013.Beautiful countryside was designed to keep the traditional elements of the countryside, while, at the same time, making the living environment cleaner.



Smartphones are likely to take the place of wallets in the near future as nearly 65 percent of the online payment deals last year were done with mobile devices, a new study said. Mobile payment has been further changing people’s everyday life along with the rapid growth of the online to offline business, including taxi-hailing and hotel booking. According to Alipay, mobile payment is more popular in China’s underdeveloped western regions. The Tibet autonomous region leads the country in mobile payment with 83.3 percent of the online payment transactions in the region made with mobile devices in 2015. The region is followed by Guizhou, Gansu, Shaanxi and Qinghai provinces.



Thanks to the reform and opening-up started more than 30 years ago, China has substantially improved the living standard of its people within a generation. By 2013, China's grain output had continuously increased over ten consecutive years and basically met the food needs of the 1.3 billion people. Nine-year free compulsory education is provided, covering 160 million students. A nationwide medical service network has been built, covering all its urban and rural residents. However, more than 200 million Chinese still live below the poverty line. Development is quite uneven between urban and rural areas and among different regions, with the per capita GDP of some inland provinces being just one third of the coastal region.


共享经济(Sharing Economy)是一个建立在资源共享基础上的商业模式——在需要时,人们可以获取物品。比如AirBnb与 Zipcar。虽然共享物品通常发生在朋友、家人、邻居之间,但是“共享”这一概念已经从社区服务转为可盈利的商业模式。共享单车是共享经济理念下的产物,更是代表了一种低碳共享、环保的生活态度和时尚标志。

The sharing economy describes a type of business built on the sharing of resources – allowing customers to access goods when needed, like AirBnb or Zipcar. Sharing goods has always been a common behavior among friends, family and neighbors, but the concept of sharing has moved from a community service into a profitable business mode. Public bicycles are not only a product of sharing economy, but also a fashion icon which represents low-carbon, sharing and environmentally-friendly living attitude.

