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2023-11-24 15:27:12 14

Part I             Listening Comprehension        (20 minutes)
1. A) His wife doesn't want him to.           B) He will be out of town.
   C) He has some work to do.                 D) He doesn't want to.
2. A) Do shopping.                           B) Make a phone call.
   C) Take a bus.                            D) Give them to the woman
3. A) Maria's friends don't call her very often.
   B) Maria likes to talk on the phone with her friends.
   C) Maria doesn't like to talk on the phone with her friends.
   D) Maria doesn't have any friends.
4. A) In October                             B) Between April and October.
   C) In April.                               D) She isn't certain.
5. A) Once it starts raining, it' 11 rain a lot.    B) It has been raining for some time.
   C) They' re ready to catch the train.        D) The train has just started off.
6. A) He offered her a pencil.                  B) He was afraid of losing his pen.
   C) He lent her his extra pen.               D) He said he didn't have any ink.
7. A) Bob will be on time.                    B) She hopes Bob won't come.
    C) Bob can't come.                        D) Bob will be late.
 8. A) To the beach.    B) To a restaurant.    C) To a theatre.    D) To the zoo.
 9. A) Ask the woman to find Mr. White for him.
    B) Hold the phone.
    C) Pay the manager a visit.
    D) Make another call.
10. A) She is going to give up biology.            
    B) She spends half of her time on biology and half on math.
    C) To her match is even more difficult than biology.
    D) To her biology is difficult, but math is not.

Section B
Passage One
Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11. A) He had to get a job.                    B) He was afraid of failure.
    C) He wanted to join the Army.             D) He wasn't interested in studying.
12. A) She was shocked.                       B) She was disappointed.
    C) She expressed doubts.                   D) She encouraged him.
13. A) He was lucky.                           B) He had a good wife.
    C) He was determined.                      D) He had a good teacher.
Passage Two
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14. A) She was driving along a country road.
    B) She was lying in a hospital bed.
    C) She was lying near a lonely road trembling.
    D) She was telling an astonishing story to a doctor.
15. A) She was attacked by robbers.
    B) She was stopped by a policeman.
    C) She fainted due to the effects of some drug.
    D) She was forced to enter a flying saucer.
16. A) The woman had been taken a long distance away from her home.
    B) The woman had intended to leave her husband without telling him.
C) The woman had been dishonest to her husband.
     D) The woman made up an astonishing story.
Passage Three
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17. A) In the 15th century.                    B) In the 16th century.
     C) In the 5th century.                     D) In the 6th century.
18. A) Because it was at the seaside.
     B) Because it was the only modern building there.
     C) Because of the beautiful garden in front~of it.
     D) Because of its old style of architecture.
19. A) To keep the tourists away.
     B) To welcome the tourists.
     C) To make money.
     D) To warn the tourists not to ruin his garden.
20. A) In order to earn more money.            B) In order to have more peace.
     C) In order to welcome more visitors.       D) In order to have a bigger garden.

Part II              Reading Comprehension         (35 minutes)
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:
    The failed Skylab will come screaming home to earth in disappointment sometime next
month. But it will fall we know not where.
    That precise information is beyond even the calculations of scientists and their computers.
    The best they can tell us is that the space station, weighing 77 tons and as high as a 12
story buiding, will break into hundreds of pieces that will be scattered across a track 100 miles
wide and 4,000 miles long.
    We are again exposed to one of those unexpected adventures, or misadventures, of science
that atracts our attention from the boring routines of daily existence and encourages us to think
a lot about man's future.
    What worries Richard Smith, the Skylab' s director, is the "big pieces" that will come
through the atmosphere, Two lumps, weighing 2 tons each, and ten, weighing at least 1,000
pounds each, will come in at speeds of hundreds of miles an hour and if they crash on land they
will dig holes up to 100 feet deep.
    What worries us, with our lack of scientific knowledge and our quick imagination, is both
the big and little pieces, although project officials say there is a very small chance that anyone
will be injured by them.
     That's good to know, but it doesn't remove the doubts of the millions who still remember
the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island. That accident took place in 1979 in spite of what the
officials had assured us as to the safely of the nuclear reactor.
21. Where the Skylab will fall         ?
    A) is kept secret                           B) has been made public
    C) has been predicted by scientists         ~ D) can't be predicted even by computers
22. According to the passage, what does an incident such as the failed Skylab lead us to do?
    A) Not to believe in officials.               B) To think about our future.
     C) Has been predicted by scientists.         D) To fear for our lives.
23. The author suggests that
     A) the danger of the Skylab's fall has been overestimated
     B) it's useless to worry over things you can't do anything about
     C) the danger of the Skylab's fall has been underestimated
     D) computers can solve the problem caused by the broken Skylab
24. The author refers to Three Mils Island
     A) because he is doubtful about what the officials said
     B) because he fears that a piece of the Skylab may strike a nuclear power plant
     C) because he is afraid of the use of nuclear power
     D) because the nuclear reactor there and the Skylab were both built by the same company
 25. This passage is mainly about the author's
     A) interest in the failure of the Skylab
     B) willingness to give his advice
     C) eagerness to see more new scientific discoveries
     D) concern that science cannot answer all questions
 Passage Two
 Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:
      As supplier of most of the food we eat and of raw materials for many industrial processes,
 agriculture is clearly an important area of the economy. But the industrial performance of
 agriculture (the relative efficiency of agricultural production compared to other areas in the
 economy) is even more important than this. For in nations where the productivity of farmers is
  low, most of the working population is needed to raise food and few people are available for the
  production of investment goods or for other activities required for economic growth. Indeed,
  one of the factors related most closely to the per capita income (人均收入) of a nation is the
  fraction of its population engaged in farming. In the poorest nations of the world more than half
  of the population lives on farms. This compares sharply with less than 10 percent in western
  Europe and less than 4 percent in the United States.
      In short, the course of economic development in general depends in a fundamental way on
  the performance of farmers. This performance,  in turn,  depends on how agriculture is
     The movement to "humanize" banks, of course, received a new push during the war,
when more and more women were employed to do work previously performed by men. Also
more and more "little" people found themselves in need of personal loans, as taxes became
heavier and as the practice of installment (分期付款) buying broke down the previously long-
held concept that there was something almost morally wrong about being in debt. All sorts of
people began to discover that the intelligent use of credit (信贷) could be extremely helpful.
36. The author believes that the unfriendly atmosphere in hanks many years ago was chiefly
      due to
      A) the outer appearance of bank buildings
      B) unfriendliness of customers toward banks
      C) economic pressure of the time
      D) the attitude of hankers
 37. The banks of many years ago showed interest only in __
      A) regular visitors                         B) rich customers
       C) friendly businessmen                    D) elderly gentlemen
 39. What helped the  humamzation of banks?
       A) The elderly gentlemen in banks were replaced by younger men.
       B) More banks were set up in small and medium-sized towns.
       C) More and more "little" people became customers of banks.
       D) The size of the customers account was greatly increased.
  40. Ordinary people seldom borrowed money from banks in the past because
       A) they thought it was not proper to be in debt
       B) they were comparatively rich Before the war
        C) the hank buildings looked forbidding
        D) they rarely spent more than they could earn
Part III             Vocabulary and Structure        (20 minutes)
41. I don't know whether what she said is true, but I' 11 try to __ it.
     A) conform         B) confirm         C) confess         D) confine
42. Last year Mike earned ______  his brother, though his brother has a better position.
     A) twice as much as                     B) twice as many as
     C) twice than                           D) twice as more as
43. If you suspect that the illness might be serious, you should not  ______ going to the
    A) pick out         B) make out        C) put off          D) give off
44. My only purpose was to get shelter ______ the snow, to get myself covered and warm.
    A) for               B) form             C) off              D) over
45. Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs _______   carefully in her hands.
     A) were held        B) to be held       C) held            D) holding
46. I have two boys but ______ of them likes sweets.
     A) both            B) none            C) either          D) neither
47. The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been   ______ filled
     A) properly         B) regularly        C) thoroughly      D) consequently
48. None of the servants were  ______ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.
     A) allowable        B) approachable     C) available        D) applicable
49. My sister's professor had her  ______  her paper many times before allowing her to
     present it to the committee.
     A) rewrite           B) to rewrite        C) rewritten        D) rewriting
 50. After a long and exhausting journey they arrived ______
     A) till the last      B) by the end      C) at the end      D) at last
 51. His understanding made a deep impression, ______  the young girl.
      A) in               B) on              C) for             D) to
 52. Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _______it closely.
      A) followed          B) to follow         C) following        D) being following
 53. There is hardly an environment on earth  ______  some species of animal or other has not
      adapted successfully.
      A) as to            B) wherever        C) so that          D) to which
 54. It is highly desirable that a new president  ______ to this college.
      A) appointed        B) be appointed     C) was appointed   D) has been appointed
  55. After searching for half an hour she realized that her glasses  ______ on the table all the
      A) were lain                              B) had been lain
      C) had been lying                         D) would have been lying
  56. The time has come  ______  we can make extensive use of nuclear energy.
      A) when            B) while            C) as               D) since
  57. Hardly  ______   the helicopter ______  when the waiting crowd ran toward it.
       A) has ... landed   B) had ... landed  C) would ... land D) was ... landing
  58. Although the weather was very bad the buses still ran on ______
       A) list              B) schedule         C) plan            D) arrangement
  59. The situation today is obviously quite different from ______  it was only 50 years ago.
       A) such             B) which           C) when           D) what
   60. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked ______
     A) mindless         B) unconscious      C) brainless        D) unaware
61. The traffic was very heavy, otherwise I  ______ here 50 minutes sooner.
     A) would be        B) should be        C) had been        D) would have Been
62. ______ you decide to take up, you should try to make it a success.
     A) If only          B) Unless          C) Whatever       D) Whenever
63. This bird' s large wings  ______ __ it to fly very fast.
     A) make            B) cause            C) enable          D) ensure
64. In most of the United States, the morning newspaper is  ______ by school-age children.
      A) directed         B) discharged       C) derived         D) delivered
65. It was not until be arrived at the station ________  he realised he had forgotten his ticket.
      A) that            B) before          C) when          D) after
 66. Though the long - term ______  cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by
      the committee.
      A) effect           B) effort           C) affect          D) afford
 67. He asked ______ since he had been chairman for seven years.
      A) not to be re-elected                   B) to be not re-elected
      C) not to have been re-elected            D) to have not been re-elected
 68. Only by shouting at the top of his voice ______
       A) he was able to make himself hear      B) was he able to make himself hear
       C) he was able to make himself heard     D) was he able to make himself heard
  69. Jane was fairly good at English, but in mathematics she could not ______ __ the rest of the
       students in her class.
       A) put up with     B) do away with   C) keep up with   D) run away with
  70. He went ahead ________   all warnings about the danger of his mission.
       A) in case of        B) because of       C) prior to         D) regardless of

Part IV                      Close                 ( 15 minutes)
     One of the most interesting of all studies is
the study of words and word origins.  Each
language is   71   of several earlier languages      71. A) collected     B) made
and the words of a language can sometimes be           C) composed     D) contained
traced   72   through two or three different       72. A) to            B) on
                                                C) in            D) back
languages to their   73    Again a word from       73. A) ends         B) Backgrounds
one language may pass into other languages and           C) bases         D) origins
  74   a new meaning. The word "etiquette."       74. A) pick          B) develop
                                              C) change        D) choose
which is   75   French origin and originally       75. A) of            B) with
                                                C) on           D) by
Meant a label (标志),   76   a sign, passed into      76. A) with         B) and
Spanish and kept its original meaning. So in           C) or            D) for
Spanish the word "etiquette" today is used to
  77   the small tags (标签) which a store   '  77. A) show         B) design
                                          C) hold          D) indicate
  78   to a suit, a dress or a bottle. The word       78. A) lays          B) attaches
                                               C) binds         D) gives
"etiquette"  in  French,     79  ,   gradually       79. A) however      B) moreover
                                                C) therefore     D) furthermore
developed  a  different  meaning.  It    80         80. A) late          B) lately
became the custom to write directions on small           C) later         D) latest
cards, or "etiquette", as to how visitors should
dress  themselves  and     81     during  an       81. A) respond       B) prepare
                                               C) act           D) follow
important ceremony at the royal court.    82          82. A) Thus         B) Also
the word "etiquette" began to indicate a system           C) Yet          D) Nevertheless
of correct manners for people to follow.    83          83. A) After         B) With
this meaning, the word passed into English.               C) Of           D) For
     Consider the word "breakfast". "To fast" is
to go for some period of time without   84          84. A) sleeping      B) working
                                                C) eating        D) talking
Thus in the morning after many hours   85         85. A) for           B) during
                                                  C) at           D) on
the night without food, one   86   one's fast.        86. A) breaks        B) continues
                                                C) remembers   D) forgets
     Consider  the  everyday  English    87        87. A)statement     B) expression
"Good-bye".  Many many years ago,  people           C) proverb      D) conversation
would say to each   88   on parting "God be       88. A) other        B) person
                                              C) one           D) member
with you." As this was   89   over and over       89. A) reproduced   B) revised
                                              C) reviewed      D) repeated
 millions of times, it gradually became   90   to      90. A) combined    B) accepted
 "Good-bye".                                C) reformed     D) shortened

作  文  纸

1. A  2. B  3. D  4. B  5. C  6. C  7. A  8. C  9. D  10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. D
21. D 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. A
31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. A
41. A 42. C 43. D 44. D 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. B
51. D 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. A 59. D 60. B
61. B 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. C 66. A 67. B 68. D 69. C 70. D
71. D 72. A 73. C 74. C 75. A 76. B 77. C 78. D 79. D 80. A
81. B 82. A 83. C 84. B 85. D 86. B 87. B 88. D 89. A 90. C
