2017年大学英语四级口语考试的个人陈述当中考到了高等教育的裨益,想来大家也有一定的想法吧。我们之所以接受高等教育无非是想给自己的未来职业铺好路,当今社会是一个知识经济时代,进入大学去深造不是人云亦云,而是为了更好地完善自己,允诺自己一个似锦前程,这是从个人的角度来分析高等教育的好处;对于国家和社会而言,有利于提高一个国家的劳动力的竞争力和水平,为社会的良性发展注入新鲜的血液,这是从宏观的角度来论述高等教育的好处。 The higher education can help people develop strong self-esteem, motivate individuals to strive for higher goals. People receiving higher education can live and work with more enthusiasm, purpose and dedication, foster greater creativity, innovation and efficiency. Ambitious people are more likely to give full play to their potentials. Universities aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be competitive in an increasingly knowledge-based economy, improve labour force productivity and competitiveness, contribute to the growth of the knowledge-based economy. 在做个人陈述时,要做到有条有理,要有一定的逻辑性。就拿上面的分析来说吧,就是从微观和宏观的这两个角度来分析的。 |