
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情






1. purchase equipment 采购装备

2. be willing to 乐于;愿意

3. take patience to 有耐心去做

4. take a course 选课;学一门课程

5. the date of ... 的日期

6. preparation for… 为…做准备

7. absent from 缺席;不在场

8. be annoyed at… 对……烦恼;为…而生气

9. in charge of 主持;主管

10. keep one’s job 保住某人的工作

11. sign up for 报名参加;注册

12. based on 以…为基础

13. decide to 决定去做;决定要

14. object to 反对;不同意

15. be employed in 受雇于;从事于

16. look away 转移目光;把目光移开

17. frequent guest 常客

18. change into 把……变成;变为;转换成

19. combine with 和…结合;与…化合

20. on surface 在表面


21. look for 寻找

22. superior to 优于…

23. compete with 与…竞争

24. compete against sb.与某人对抗

25. turn out to be 结果是;证明是

26. appear to 似乎;出现

27. seem to 看起来像

28. in face of 面对

29. keep calm 保持冷静

30. suffer from 遭受,忍受

31. speed up 加快速度

32. lay off 解雇

33. endeavor to 尽力

34. turn around 转身;好转

35. turn into 变成

36. attempt to 试图

37. refer to 参考

38. take care of 照顾

39. lead to 导致

40. rather than 而不是

