
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情




腐败 corruption

证明 prove

谋生 make a living

城市化 urbanization

商业化 commercialization

试验田 experimental plot

相当于 be equivalent to

企业家 entrepreneur

出口国 exporter

国内外 at home and abroad

共产党 the Communist Party

产业/工业 industry

4000亿元 400 billion yuan

25000美元 US$25000

公元100年 100 AD

中国革命 Chinese Revolution

高速列车 high-speed trains

高铁 high-speeding rail

远洋船舶 ocean-going vessels

摆脱贫困 get rid of poverty

极端贫困 extreme poverty

中产阶级 middle class

贫困国家 poor countries

减少贫困 poverty reduction

提供救援 provide assistance

发展道路 developing path

经济特区 Special Economic Zone

城市人口 urban population

农村人口 rural population

以人为本 people-oriented

发展理念 developing concept

交通系统 transportation system

文化交流 cultural communication

外国投资 foreign investment

购物平台 shopping platform

蓬勃发展 have a great boom = surge = be booming

在线零售商 online retailer

经济的繁荣 prosperity of economy

可持续发展 sustainable development

在...取得进步 make progress (in)...

做出不懈努力 make unremitting efforts

世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization

第二大经济体 the second largest economy

以前所未有的速度 at an unprecedented rate/speed

在20世纪70年代末 in the late 1970s

社会主义市场经济 the market-oriented economy with socialist features

资源节约和环境友好型社会 a resource-saving and environment-friendly society


朝代 dynasty

统治 reign

共计 a total of

宴席 banquet

凉菜 cold dishes

热菜 hot dishes

国宝 national treasure

模仿 imitate

神话 myths

传说 legends

长寿 longevity

自卫 self-defense

俗称 folk name/common name

雅致的 elegant

顶尖的 top-class

宽松长袍 loose gown

丝绸之路 Silk Road

独特元素 unique element

宝贵遗产 a great heritage

人类文明 human civilization

古老水镇 ancient water town

民族服饰 national costume

文化标志 cultural symbol

把...认为 regard as

...的象征 a symbol of...

象征着 stand for = symbolize

象征意义 symbolic significant

逐渐演变成 evolve into

必不可少的 essential/indispensable

京杭大运河 the Grand Canal of Beijing and Hangzhou

把A融于B combine A with B

传统中式菜肴 traditional Chinese dishes


大米 rice

小麦 wheat

面粉 flour

成熟 ripen

收获 harvest

庄稼 crop

田野 field

庆祝 celebrate

馒头 steamed bun

主食 staple food

化肥 chemical fertilizer

归因于 attribute to

有机农业 organic farming

兴高采烈 in high spirits = with rising spirits = cheerfully

农作物产量 crop yields

与...相联系 associate with

农业现代化 modernize agriculture

占据重要地位 play an important role


大众健康 public health

医疗保健 medical care


估计 estimate

消费 consumption

古镇 ancient town

流传 circulate

浪漫 romance

消费者 consumer

许多的 numerous

爱之城 City of Love

据报道 It is reported that....

生活节奏 life tempo

出境旅游 overseas traveling

旅游热潮 tourism boom

国内旅游 domestic traveling

出国旅游 traveling abroad

著名景点 famous scenic spots

历史名胜 historical resorts

自然风光 natural scenery

聚集在某地 gather in (某地)

旅游目的地 tourist destinations/ travel attractions/ tourist attractions


称赞 praise

录取 admit to

由于 owing to

蜂拥 swarm into

文学 literary

哲学 philosophy

注重 pay attention to / attach importance to

屈从于 surrender to

课外班 extra-curricular class

演讲比赛 speech contest

首要要求 primary requirement

名牌大学 prestigious university

竞争激烈 intense competition

前途光明 a promising future

不足为奇 It’s no wonder that....

愿意牺牲 be willing to sacrifice

国际排名 international/global rankings

国际学生 international student

海外学生 overseas student

受到尊敬 receive respect

限于...之内 confine to

做重要决定 make crucial decisions


科技 science and technology

新开发 newly-developed

新能源 new energy

机器人 robot

太空站 space station

工业革命 industrial revolution

创新成果 innovation achievements

显著成就 remarkable achievements

高科技领域 high technology fields

专为...设计的 be exclusively designed for

太空探索计划 space exploration plan
