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出租车起步价 flag-down fare

法定准备金率 required reserve ratio

网购 online shopping

虚拟经济 fictitious economy

反盗版 anti-piracy

知识产权 intellectual property rights

出口退税 tax rebates

人民币升值 RMB appreciation

信贷紧缩 credit crunch

最优惠贷款利率 prime lending rate

经济适用房 economically affordable house

大宗交易系统 block trading system

暴利税 windfall profits tax

从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy

宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy

审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

股权收购 stake purchase

房屋中介 letting agent

地产经纪人 estate broker

直销 direct selling

传销 pyramid selling

吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback

洗钱 money laundering

透支 overdraft

货币升值 revaluation

起征点 cutoff point

养老保险 endowment insurance

逃税 tax evasion

首次公开募股 initial public offering

出口补贴 export subsidy

资产负债表 balance sheet

库存量 inventory

反倾销 antidumping

赤字 shortfall

资本净值 net worth

牛市 bull market

法律风险 legal risk

风险管理 risk management

信用风险 credit risk

第一产业(农业) primary industry

第二产业(工业) secondary industry

第三产业(服务业) tertiary industry

国内生产总值 gross domestic product (GDP)

(商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收入支出)扩大内需 expand domestic demand



分期付款 payment by installments

计划经济 planned economy

中国人民银行(中央银行) People's Bank of China (Central Bank)

四大国有商业银行 four major state-owned commercial banks

居民储蓄存款 residents' bank savings deposit

泡沫经济 bubble economy

经济过热 overheating of economy

通货膨胀 inflation

实体经济 the real economy

经济规律 laws of economics

市场调节 market regulation

优化资源配置 optimize allocation of resources

市场风险 market risk

国有企业 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

私营企业 private businesses

中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises

电话会议 conference call

空头支票 dishonored cheque

折旧 depreciation

多元化 diversification

倾销 dumping



新兴市场emerging market

汇率exchange rate

上市,公开上市going public

合营企业,合资企业joint venture



中长期贷款medium and long term loans

道德风险moral hazard

机会成本opportunity cost


贸易赤字,贸易逆差trade deficit

贸易盈余,贸易顺差trade surplus

世界银行World Bank

世界贸易组织World Trade Organization(WTO)

宏观调控 macroeconomic regulation

社会主义新农村 new socialist countryside

生产力过剩 surplus production capacity

节能 energy conservation

公务员civil servant

远程教育 distance education

最低生活保障 basic cost of living allowance



稳健的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy

所得税 income tax

高附加值 high value-added

社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development

社会主义和谐社会 harmonious socialist society

生活标准 standard of living

购买力 purchasing power; buying power

停滞 stagnation

平均收益 average revenue

商品 commodity

商品市场 commodity market

竞争性市场 competitive market

消费者偏好 consumer preference

折扣 discount

劳动分工 division of labor

经济效率 economic efficiency

规模经济 economy of scale

企业家精神 entrepreneurship

过度供给 excess supply; oversupply

支出 expenditure

要素市场 factor market

出租车起步价 flag down fare

暴利税 windfall tax

实体经济 real economy

虚拟经济 fictitious/virtual economy

人民币升值 appreciation of the RMB

住房保障制度 housing security system

成品油 refined oil

原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge

原油储备 crude oil stockpile

油价机制 oil price mechanism

经济特区 special economic zone

软着陆 soft landing

结构改革 structural reform

城镇化 urbanization

上座率 seat occupancy rate

浮动票价 floating prices

网络交易平台 e-trade platform

索赔 claim for compensation

个体工商户 individual business

房屋中介 estate agent

保险经纪人 insurance agent

漫游费 roaming fee



单向收费 one-way charge

来电免费业务 free incoming call

海关税收 customs revenue

减税 tax break

高端产品 high-end product

跳槽 job-hopping

职员总数 headcount

投机 speculation

货币经纪人 money broker

解雇金 severance pay

高峰期 peak season

出境游 outbound tourism

首次公开募股 initial public offering (IPO)

新闻专线 newswire

衰退 downturn

人口红利 demographic dividend

刚性需求 rigid demand

首付款 down payment

炼油厂 refinery

官方证明书 official certificate

半导体 semiconductor

基准点 benchmark

借记卡 debit card

最佳时期 optimum period

集体诉讼 class action

财务欺诈 accounting fraud

次贷危机 subprime lending crisis

赤字 deficit

汽车制造商 automaker

电信业 telecommunications

储备金 reserve

钢铁工业 iron and steel industry

税收 tax revenue

上市 go public

预算 budget

证券 securities

债券 bond

股份 share

通货紧缩 deflation

贸易保护主义 trade protectionism

第三产业 tertiary industry

赞助商 sponsor

贸易壁垒 trade barrier

跨国公司 multinational corporation



关税 tariff

公司破产 corporate bankruptcy

反倾销 anti-dumping

配额 quota

汇率 exchange rate

生态补偿 ecological compensation

节能灯 energy-saving lamp

差别电价 differential power pricing

宏观调控体系 macro-regulatory system

恶性竞争 cutthroat competition

资源配置 allocation of resources

产业转移 industrial transfer

产业升级 industrial upgrading

期货市场 futures market

高附加值产品 high value-added product

南南合作 South-South Cooperation

南北对话 North-South Dialogue

西部大开发 Western Development

西气东输工程 West-East Pipeline Project

信息革命 information revolution

信息高速公路 information highway
