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21世纪以来,以出口“Made in China”产品为标志的中国经济发生了巨大改变。一方面,据《时代周刊》(TIME)报道,以廉价劳动力制胜的时代即将结束。另一方面,中国消费者购买进口奢侈品的潜力日益凸显。这是近些年来中国经济以两位数(double-digit)持续增长的结果,而推动这种增长的是国内大规模的基础设施(infrastructure)和房地产建设,以及发达国家对中国出口产品的巨大需求。

Since the 21st century, great changes have taken place in China's economy labelled by the “Made in China” export goods. For one thing, the era of cheap labor may come to an end according to the TIME magazine. For another, Chinese consumers have shown a growing potential in purchasing import luxury goods. This is supported by China's continuous double-digit growth over the recent years. Such growth has been driven by the large scale construction of infrastructure and real estate, as well as the huge demand from developed countries for China's export goods.



The fundamental reason for such a rapid growth in China-US trade lies in the high degree of complementarity of the two economies, which, to a large extent, stems from their great differences in resources, economic structures and consumption levels. China is the world's largest developing country with a huge market and low cost of labor, but short in capital and relatively backward in technology and management. On the other hand, the US is the world's largest developed country, big in size, abundant in capital, and advanced in science and technology. But the cost of labor in the US is very high. Such difference is likely to become more prominent in the general background of economic globalization.


自1978年开始实行改革开放(reform and opening-up)政策以来,中国经济建设取得了飞跃性的发展。从1997年开始,中国经济平均每年增长7.7%,使中国成为世界上经济发展速度最快的国家。2001年中国加入了世界贸易组织,加快了中国对外开放的进程。中国分别在2008年和2010年成功举办了奥运会和世博会(the World Expo),赢得了世界对中国经济的关注和喝彩。中国将继续走改革开放之路,保持经济持续(sustained)健康发展。

Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening-up in 1978, China's economy has witnessed dramatic growth. It has been growing at a rate of 7.7% per year on average since 1997, which makes China the country with the fastest economic growth. The entry into WTO in 2001 has enhanced China's process of opening-up. Successfully holding the Olympic Games in 2008 and the World Expo in 2010 wins China's economy attention and cheers from the world. China will stay on the path of reform and opening-up, and maintain a sustained and healthy economic growth.



Globalization is a term used to describe the global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly exert influence on people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation and information technologies. It manifests the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural linkages between individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world. Globalization also involves the growth of multinational corporations and transnational corporations. The international institutions that oversee the world trade and finance play an increasingly important role in this era of globalization.



In the sphere of agricultural science and technology, China has been narrowing its gap with the developed countries. The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to China's agriculture has increased from 20 percent in 1949 to 42 percent today. The agricultural sci-tech departments have made tremendous progress in bio-technology, new and high technology and basic research, and the cultivation of plant cells and research on its application have already reached the world advanced level. An important breakthrough has been made in the utilization of the advantage of hybrid beans. Meanwhile, many new advanced scientific technologies have found extensive applications in agricultural production.




根据快递企业(express delivery enterprise)的性质及规模,可将我国快递企业分为四类。一是外资企业,外资快递企业具有丰富的经验、雄厚的资金和发达的全球网络;二是国有企业,国有快递企业依靠其背景优势和完善的国内网络在快递市场处于领先地位;三是大型民营企业,大型民营快递企业在局部市场站稳脚跟后,已逐步向全国扩张;四是小型民营企业,这类快递企业规模小、经营灵活但管理比较混乱,主要经营特定区域的同城快递(intra-city express delivery)和省内快递业务。

According to the nature and scale, express delivery enterprises in China can be divided into four kinds, including foreign-funded enterprises, state-owned enterprises, large-sized private enterprises and small-sized private enterprises. The foreign-funded enterprises have rich experience, sufficient fund and a developed global network; the state-owned enterprises lead the market due to their advantageous background and widespread domestic network; the large-sized private enterprises gain a foothold in local markets and have gradually expanded to the rest of the country; the small-sized private enterprises, characterized by small scale, flexible operation and messy management, specialize in intra-city and provincial express delivery in specific regions.


生物产业是国家确定的一项战略性新兴产业。过去五年,中国生物产业的年均增速超过了20%。随着城镇化和工业化大幅推进,我国面临日趋严峻的人口老龄化、食品安全、能源短缺、生态环境恶化等挑战。为保障人口健康、粮食安全和推进节能减排,亟须加快新型药物、作物新品种、绿色种植技术、生物燃料(biofuel)和生物发电(bioelectrogenesis)、生物环保技术、生物基产品(bio-based product)等的开发培育和推广应用,因此,生物产业将继续呈现高增长态势。

The biological industry is an emerging industry of strategic importance designated by the state. During the past five years, the annual growth rate of China's biological industry has been beyond 20% on average. With large-scale urbanization and industrialization, China is facing worsening challenges such as the aging population, food safety, energy resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration. To ensure residents' health, food safety and the promotion of energy conservation and emissions reduction, the development and application of new drugs, new crop varieties, green planting technology, biofuel and bioelectrogenesis, biological environmental protection technology, and bio-based products, etc. are urgently needed to be accelerated. Therefore, the biological industry will keep high growth.


中国拥有丰富的矿产资源,是世界上少有的矿产自给自足的国家之一,所有世界已知的矿产都能在这里找到。迄今为止,地质学家已经探明储量的矿物使中国在矿产总储量上位列世界第三。已经探明储量的能源包括煤、石油、天然气;放射性矿物包括铀(uranium)和钍(thorium)。中国可直接利用的煤炭主要分布在北方地区,尤以山西、内蒙古自治区、陕西和新疆储量最为丰富。石油资源主要分布在西北部、东北部以及东部地区的大陆架(continental shelf)。

China is rich in mineral resources, and all the world's known minerals can be found here, which makes China one of the world's few self-sufficient countries. To date, minerals whose reserves have been confirmed by the geologists make China rank third in the world in total reserves. Proven reserves of energy sources include coal, petroleum, and natural gas; radioactive minerals include uranium and thorium. China's coal reserves that can be directly used are mainly distributed in North China, with Shanxi, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Shaanxi, Xinjiang taking the lead. Petroleum reserves are mainly in Northwest and Northeast China as well as the continental shelves in East China.


湄洲湾(Meizhou Bay)是福建省十大新增长区域之一,连通向莆铁路(Xiangtang-Putian Railway)——福建省连接中部和内陆腹地运量最大、标准最高、最便捷的国家一级快速铁路干线。如果把湄洲湾比作汽车,那么向莆铁路就是引擎,能提供最直接的动力。一条铁路可以激活一个港湾。湄洲湾位于福建省中部,这里水深岸阔,可建万吨级以上泊位(berth)150多个,是中国少有、世界不多的多泊位深水良港,被列为国家重点发展的四大深水中转港之一。

Meizhou Bay is one of the ten economic emerging regions in Fujian Province. It connects with Xiangtang-Putian Railway, which is a national level trunk railway that connects the central region and hinterland in Fujian Province with the greatest volume, highest standard and best convenience. If we compare Meizhou Bay to a car, Xiangtang-Putian Railway is the engine, offering the most direct power to it. A railway can always inject vitality into a harbor. Meizhou Bay is located in the center of Fujian Province. The harbor is deep and its shore is broad, and more than 150 10-thousand-ton level berths can be built here, which is a deepwater harbor with many berths that is rare in China and even in the world. It is listed as one of the four deepwater transshipment ports that the state gives priority to.


移动互联是互联网行业竞争最激烈、创新最集中的领域。移动电商或将不只是随时随地购物,O2O(online to offline)也可能迎来百花齐放,本地化、社交化和无界经营(boundless operation)可能会成为O2O新的发展方向。移动电商也许将从普通实物电商向个性服务电商延伸。语音搜索、图片搜索等新的搜索方式以及基于位置的服务等相关功能将成为新的竞争点。从电视、电脑再到移动设备的跨屏移动广告(multi-screen mobile ad)或将成为主流。

Among Internet industries, mobile Internet is the field where the fiercest competition happens and the innovation most concentrates. Mobile e-commerce may not be merely free from the limits of time and place. O2O (online to offline) may witness an all-round development, and localization, socialization, and the boundless operation may be new development directions. Mobile e-commerce may extend from e-commerce of common items to that of personalized services. New searching methods like the voice search and the image search, and other relevant functions like services based on location will be where the new competition lies. Multi-screen mobile ads involving televisions, computers and mobile devices may be the main trend.
