
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情








答题时间:1 分钟,45 秒准备时间。


1. 正确审题,听清指令


2. 理清思路,列出提纲


3. 适当升级词汇句型


4. 注意及时总结收尾


In reality, these two factors explain the…

All the above facts show that…

That’s the reason why…


5. 使用过渡性词句掩盖犹豫


well, you know, you see, I have to say, as we can see, let me think, let me see, that’ s a good question, all right 等。


In this task, you are to describe the chart on China’s GDP statistics and talk about the improved living standards of the Chinese people. You will have 45 seconds to prepare and one minute to talk about it. Now here is the chart.



这是一道图表题,话题是关于“GDP 的增长与生活水平的提高”,首先要仔细观察图表,比较图表中的数据,然后对这一现象进行讨论。根据话题可列出以下提纲:

GDP:2000→2015,数量增长约10 倍


e.g. 盖高楼、建地铁、丰富的食物、更多高速公路和小汽车


There was a small / slight increase in…

There was a gradual / steady rise in…

There was a rapid / sharp / dramatic decrease in…

The… has increased by XX times compared with that of 1980.

The… has been multiplied XX times as against 2005.

The… was reduced by XX times.


From the chart we can see that China’s GDP increased steeply from about 1,000 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2000 to the impressive amount of over 11,000 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2015. It was a dramatic increase of about 10 times, and this represents the fastest economic growth among the world’s largest countries. Thanks to this rapid economic development people’s living standards have improved a great deal. For example, in many cities, tall buildings have been erected and subways have been constructed. In the market, there is plenty of food, including meat, eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, and so on. Clearly, people have benefited from this rapid economic development.


1) 考生在表达1,121.35、11,064.66等数字时可能会反应较慢,从而降低口语的流畅度。不妨将其简化成about 1,000和over 11,000这样的形式,可减轻大脑的负担。

2) 考生用英语说年份(如2000、2015)时,也往往需要思考,容易造成停顿。不妨在年份前添加the year,以便取得缓冲时间。但在笔试中,应删除这种可有可无的单词,以求简洁。

3) 表达数字关系时,如果来不及计算,可以对数据进行模糊化处理。比如,这道题中的“约10倍”可说成dozens of times。





答题时间:3 分钟,1 分钟准备时间。要注意的是准备期间是不允许你和搭档有任何交流的哦!


1. 话题与之前的考题隶属同一个范围,可在之前答题过程中做素材积累和心理准备。

2. 答题过程中,必须有来有往,注意达成互动。

3. 互动开始时,要巧妙直接地引入话题,不可过分寒暄。比如,GDP这个话题中,考生可以直接看图引入: Oh, the figures in the table are quite impressive. You see, in just 25 years, China’s GDP has registered a steep increase.

4. 在互动对话过程中,需要注意提问对方,并表达自己的观点。可用例句有:

What do you think about…?

Do you agree with me on this point of view?

So, this is what I’m thinking about…

Do you agree with me or not?

5. 若未听清搭档提出的问题,可以要求搭档重复一次,切忌未听懂问题就随意作答。常见的要求澄清的句型有:

Pardon? What did you say?

Excuse me. I didn’t quite catch what you said.

Sorry, I didn’t understand what you just said.

6. 小组互动需要持续3分钟,考生应该注意把握对话节奏。若搭档阐述的内容严重偏离话题,应及时提醒,以确保在规定时间内完成讨论任务。常用的提醒对方的句型有:

You are completely correct on this issue, but, you know, we are discussing…

Now let’s come back to the question of…



In this task, you are to talk with your partner about a table showing the GDP changes of three countries. Then try to discuss the reasons for China’s rapid growth.

You will have one minute to prepare and three minutes to talk. Remember, this is a pair activity and you need to interact with each other. Your performance will be judged according to your contribution to the pair work. Now please start to prepare.



这道题要求根据表格谈论三个国家的GDP 的情况,并进一步探讨中国GDP 增长的原因。根据表格内容可列出以下提纲(以讲话者A 为例):


数量:1990→360.86 billion U.S. dollars;

2015→11,064.66 billion U.S. dollars.

倍数:约30 倍


过去:中日,约2.5 倍



现在:中>印,约5 倍




If we compare A and B, we find…

A comparison between A and B shows that…

A can hardly compare with B.

A does not bear comparison with B.



A: Oh, the figures in the table are quite impressive. You see, in just 25 years, China’s GDP has registered a steep increase. It was only 360.86 billion U.S. dollars in the year 1990, but it rose to more than 11,000 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. It’s simply amazing. Don’t you think so?

B: I can’t agree with you more. If we compare China’s economic growth with that of Japan, it can also be quite interesting. In 1990, Japan’s GDP was much larger than China’s GDP, but after a short period of 25 years, the situation has changed. Now China’s GDP is about 2.5 times as that of Japan.

A: It’s true. A comparison between China and India also shows the same trend. Twenty-five years ago, the difference between the two countries was very small, but in 2015, China’s GDP was about five times as large as India’s.

B: So cool! Many people wonder why the Chinese economy has developed so fast. What’s your opinion?

A: Well, I think we should owe our success to the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy. Also, China has made a lot of progress since it joined the WTO.

B: You are right. But I want to say that there are other favorable factors. In the past dozens of years, you know, the country has enjoyed stability under the leadership of the Party, and this certainly contributes to steady economic development.

A: I agree. I believe there is another important reason, that is, the Chinese workers. They are both hard-working and highly intelligent. Just look at any construction site, and you can see many workers doing their best despite the harsh working conditions.

B: Quite true. Some of them are really intelligent. They have good skills.

A: To top it all off, many of them do not ask for high wages. This is one of the reasons why foreign investors are interested in the Chinese market.

B: Right. The workers really contributed a lot to the development of our country. Personally, I believe there are many other reasons why the Chinese economy has developed so rapidly. Maybe we can talk about them later.


1) 对于表格类的题目,最重要的是要正确理解数据信息。一般说来,首先要读懂表格中首行和首列的内容,然后可以将表格中的数据进行横向或者纵向的比较。


2) A is about five times as large as B. 与A is about five times greater / larger than B. 语义相同,都是“A大约是B的5倍”的意思。但由于很多人误以为后者是“A大约比B大5倍”,即“A大约是B的6倍”,所以建议考生尽量使用A is about five times as large as B. 这一结构。

