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1.according to the passage, how can you make friends2.你想交什么样的朋友,请解释一下。个人陈述:the importance of friendship
讨论环节:1.when and where the party will be2. how to get to the party.3. what can you do in the party
1.according to the passage, how can you make friend2.你想交什么样的朋友,请解释一下。第1题必须按照短文的内容回答,所以这里不再赘述。
I want to make friends with those who are beneficial for my study. Whenever I bump into some difficult questions, they can offer me with almost all possible solutions, instead of making me consult the teachers or rush around libraries that are not always available. therefore, I can save my time and energy

个人陈述the im portance of friendship
It improves people s sense of happiness. With the social development, the research on the sense of people's happiness which focuses on the early material factors has gradually developed into the one which focuses on the comprehensive factors. If people feel that they realize brilliant achievements and make great progress through making friends, may be they would ike to make more contributions to the society, which is beneficial for the construction of the harmonious society.

讨论环节:1. when and where the party will be.2. how to get to the party.3. what can you do in the party.
第1小题第2小题各位简賂说明就好,自己利用准备时间说一下时间地点和交通方式。usually go to the party by subway on weekends in my friend Mary' s house或者直接说在宿舍举行 party也可以。这样后面第3题具体展开的时候直接套用宿舍生活模版答案。第3小题,各位可以说聚会上各位可以看视频,完全扒过来途中的模版内容就可以。Staying with my friends in a party is a good way to relax myself. We will use my laptop to watch videos such as movies tv series or cartoons after a whole day s hard work so that we become enthusiastic again. At the same time, our money is saved and we can enjoy varlous options

有关 seminar/ conference的短文seminar/ conference是对什么人开设的
讨论环节:the role of conferences in college education1. what topic to choose?2. when and where to hold it?3. whom should be invited to be the judge?
有关 seminar/ conference的短文seminar/ conference是对什么人开设的
Students who are interested in the topic can attend, which is beneficial for their study.Whenever they bump into some difficult questions, the seminar can offer them with almost all possible solutions, instead of making them consult the teachers or rush around libraries that are not always available. therefore, they can save their time and energy
讨论环节:The role of conferences in college education1. What topic to choose?2. When and where to hold it?3. Whom should be invited to be the judge?
这3个小题,各位挑两个简要回答,挑出一个具体回答。第1小题第2小题各位简略说明就好,自己利用准备时间说一下自己的专业和会议举行的地点和时间。would like to choose literature as the topic and the conference can be held in the meeting room in our university
I think my tutor Mr Zhao Jiankun should be invited, because he develops the necessary theoretical buildup and research skills through his undergraduate program in literature, also, this school provides him with the opportunity to do deeper analysis. And he studies in a university with advanced facilities, abundant research funds, and outstanding researchers

Those who don t have breakfast may try to lose weight though not healthy I will take myself as an example, recently i have more aspiration to lose weight. Trough myfriends supervision, I would get reassurance and confidence to invest in the health management and i think it is vital for me to put my efforts on it that can stimulate my motives.

第1小题第2小题各位简略说明就好,自己利用准备时间,说一下自己的活动举行的地点和时间。would like to choose my dormitory as
the place to eat breakfast通过上面的那句话,你就成功的引到了第18个话题宿舍生活中,第3小题,各位可以直接套用宿舍答案用就行了。准备一下过渡句。Second, staying with my roommates in the dorm to have breakfast is also a good way to relax myself. While taking the breakfast, we can use my laptop to watch videos such as movies, tv series or cartoons before a whole day s hard work so that we become enthusiastic again. At the same time our money is saved and we can enjoy various options.

短文 读书Q1:what do you think about the book Q2: what do you usually do when you face failure
讨论环节:arrange about the lecture1.请什么人合适2.在什么地点举办合适3.问什么话题合适
短文 读书Q1:what do you think about the bookQ2: what do you usually do when you face failure
I have two ways to deal with failure, the first one is to read books, which si beneficial for my development. Whenever I bump into some
difficult questions, books offer me with almost all possible solutions, instead of ma king me consult the teachers or group members that are not always available. Therefore, I can save my time and energy.Second, i will stay at the dorm with my roommates to relax. we would like to watch videos such as movies, tv series or cartoons after a whole day s hard work so that we become enthusiastic again. At the same time, our money is saved and we can enjoy various options.

讨论环节:arrange about the lecture1.请什么人合适2.在什么地点举办合适3.问什么话题合适。这3个小题,各位挑两个简要回答,挑出一个具体回答
I would like to choose the lecture hall t as the place to hold the lecture on weekends, and i would ike to invite mr. Zhao Jiankun

话题 运动减压
讨论环节:如何举办一场活动l. what team game2. when and where3. the sponsor


短文Q1: Walking对于减压的好处,Q2:你有什么减压的方法?

读书减压法:| would ike to read books telieve the pressure, which si beneficial for my development. Whenever I bump into some difficult questions, books offer me with almost all possible solutions, intead of making me consult the teachers or group members that are not always Ivaila ble. therefore, i can save my time and energy
待在宿舍看视频减压法:| will stay at the dorm with my roommates to relax. We would like to watch videos such as novies, tv series or cartoons after a whole day s hard work so that we become enthusiastic again. At the same time, our money is saved and we can
enjoy various options.

去种花花草草减压法: For people living in garden or in the field is healthy for both the body and the mind. the ploughing and sowing experience gives people the chance to sweat under the sun and taking care of them gives people the feeling the joy and satisfaction

讨论环节:如何举办一场活动1.what team game2.when and where3. the sponsor

I would like to choose the campus play ground as the place to hold a soccer game on weekends and i would like to invite
First, sponsorship is beneficial for the development of the society. as we know,will provide more positions for college graduates, like, will increase the emploment rate which is one of the key points for social stability. Actually, it serves as a mirror to remind people the degree of a city s development. the better it works the faster the society grows.Second, it improves people s sense of happiness. With the social development,the research on the sense of peoples happiness which focuses on the early material factors has gradually developed into the one which focuses on the co mprehensive factors. If people feel that they realize brilliant achievements and make great progress, may be they would like to make more contributions to the society which is beneficial for the construction of the harmonious society

would like to buy some books from the internet and send my mom, the cost of the books ranges from 100 yuan to 200yuan
读书可以减压: my mom would like to read books to relieve the pressure,which is beneficial for her development. Whenever she bumps into some difficult questions, books offer her with almost all possible solutions, instead of making her consult her friends that are not always available.Therefore she can save her time and energy

如果送花花草草,理由如下:For people living in the metropolis,manual work in the garden or in the field is healthy for both the body and
the mind. the ploughing and sowing experience gives people the chance to sweat under the sun and taking care of them gives people the feeling of joy and satisfaction.

短文:About a student who goes to Canad a to learn some canadian culture.Do you think it s necessary to study overseas? Why?

1. Where do you want to go for a overseas study and when.2 who do you want to take.3 what do you want to do there
短文:bout a student who goes to Canada to learn some canadian culture.Do you think it s necessary to study overseas? Why?

First, studying overseas helps me grow a lot. Whenever I meet some difficulties in thefuture, my overseas experiences offer me with almost all possible solutions, instead of ma king me feel nervous or freighted. Therefore, I can save my time and energy.Second, studying overseas promotes not only higher education courses but also extra curriculum project, such as
video appreciation. In order to relax after a whole day’s hard work s, I can use computer to watch videos such as movies TV series or cartoons so that I become enthusiastic again. At the same time, my money is saved and I can enjoy various options

1. Where do you want to go for a overseas study and when.

2 who do you want to take.

3 what do you want to do there

这3个小题,各位挑两个筒要回答,挑出一个具体回答。第1小题第2小題各位筒畩说明就好,自己利用准备时间,说一下自己的出国留学的囯家,时间和陪同人员。I would like to study in america with my best friend mary in 2020.第3题问去那里干什么,废话,当然是读书学习搞项目啦。把自我介绍里的学习方面说出来

I want to get my doctor′s degree there because it helps me develop the necessary theoretical buildup and research kills through my undergraduate program in自己专业,also,this school provides me theopportunity to do deeper analsis so may be after graduation, I will consider myself qualified for a challenging progran.| want to study专业there because the university is particularly strong in this program, with advanced facilities,a bundant research funds, and outstanding researchers
