
: 英语巴士网英语考试中学试题英语考试内容详情





    21. A. face      B. lake             C. back              D. game

    22. A. nine    B. rich       C. swim           D. film

    23. A. gate      B. page     C. give           D. grow

    24. A. cheap      B. team       C. meal           D. head

    25.  A. world     B. work       C. short             D. word


    26. There are many pictures _____ the wall.

    A. from       B. to             C. about      D. on

    27. The room is not mine. It’s ______.

    A. Jim        B. Jims              C. Jim’s        D. Jims’

    28. I bought ____ yesterday.

    A. three bottle of milk         B. three bottles of milk

    C. three bottles of milks          D. three bottles milk

    29. Tom had A. bad cold, _____ he still went to school.

    A. so         B. or          C. and        D. but

    30. The traffiC. _____ stop when the lights are red.

    A. must           B. mustn’t       C. may            D. can’t

    31. — _______children are there in you family ?

— Three.

    A. How much       B. How often    C. How many    D. How old

    32. John is hungry. He wants ____ to eat.

    A. something         B. anything      C. nothing     D everything

    33. Li Ping runs as ____ as Wu Dong.

    A. faster         B. fast       C. fastest        D. the fastest

    34. Sorry, I ____ my book in the library. May I get it back now, Miss Yang ?

    A. returned          B. left           C. forgot     D. borrowed

    35. Li Lei always comes to school early and cleans the ___ for his classmates.

    A. house          B. window     C. wall           D. classroom

    36. The students ____ A. lot of trees every spring.

    A. plants         B. have planted  C. plant       D. are planting

    37. Uncle Wang _____ in that factory since it opened in 1989.

    A. works      B. worked         C. has worked D. will work

    38. Bob doesn’t like travelling, ______ he ?

    A. does       B. doesn’t           C. is         D. isn’t

    39. The room is ____ dirty ____ we don’t want to stay here.

    A. so…that       B. such…that C either…or      D. as…as

    40. The old man began to work ____ he had A. short rest.

    A. when           B. while          C. until          D. after

    41. I’m sorry I can’t hear ____.

    A. what saying he is               B. what he is saying

    C. what saying is he            D. what is he saying



One day, Jack’s wife was their bedroom. She found many things in an old box.“Look at all these umbrellas (雨伞),”Jack’s wife said to him,“There are eight and they are all broken.” “I’ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them mended,”Jack said,“They are too good to throw away. ” Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. “They’ll be ready tomorrow,”the shopkeeper said. That evening Jack went home from the office by bus as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up. “Hey ! ”the woman said,. “That’s my umbrella.“I’m so sorry,”Jack said and gave it back to her, “I took it by mistake. Please forgive (原谅)me.” The next day he collected (取) the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on A. bus. As he sat down, A. voice behind him said,“You have certainly had A. successful (成功的) day ! ”He turned around and saw the same woman again. He almost took her umbrella the day before.

42. Jack’s wife found the umbrellas in ____.

    A. A. shop        B. an old box

    C. A. bus                       D. the street

43. On the bus, Jack returned the old woman _____

    A. one of his old umbrellas     B. A. new umbrella

    C. her own umbrella      D his wife’s umbrella

44. The next day, on the bus, Jack met ____.

    A. his wife              B. the shopkeeper

    C. an old friend            D the same woman

45. At the end of the story, the woman thought that _____.

    A. Jack took others’ umbrellas away

    B. Jack sold many umbrellas

    C. Jack had her umbrella in his hand

    D Jack had A. nice day

46. Which sentence (句子)is NOT true ?

    A. Jack’s wife found some umbrellas in their bedroom

B. Jack took the umbrellas out to throw them away

C. Jack took the old woman’s umbrella by mistake

D The old woman thought Jack was not A. good man


Mrs Carter bought some things in A. big shop in London, After that, she went to another part of the shop to have something to eat. She sat at A. table with another Then the other woman got up to go. Her handbag fell to the floor, and Mrs Carter took it up and gave it to her. Then the other woman went away.

Mrs Carter finished eating, and put per hand down to get her handbag. It was not there.

Poor Mrs Carter was very troubled. She looked under the table, and on the floor, and under the chair, but the bag was not there.

The shopkeeper came to help her.

“I’m very sorry,” he said, “This is a bad thing to happen in my shop. I will let you have some money to get back to your home.”

“Thank you,” said Mrs Carter, “There was still some money in the bag. I had to do more shopping this afternoon. I still want some more things. Now I can’t get them.” She left the shop and went home sadly.

The next morning she was working in her house and she heard the telephone. She answered it. A. policeman asked her to go to the police station and get back her handbag. Mrs Carter was very glad and went there at once. A policeman told her that A. schoolboy found the bag at the corner of he street. Mrs Carter quickly opened it and found everything in it except the money.

47. Mrs Carter ____ in A. big shop in London.

A. had dinner with A. woman        B. did some shopping

C. lost nothing                        D. wanted something to drink

48. When Mrs Carter finished eating. she couldn’t find her ______

A. handbag                  B. dress            C. coat                      D. shoes

49. The shopkeeper gave Mrs Carter some money for her _____.

A. to buy A. new handbag           B. to take A. bus or taxi home

C. to go to the police station          D. to make her happy

50. The next morning she ______.

A. telephoned A. policeman         B. went to look for the woman

C. went to the police station      D. was glad to work in her house

51. _________found the handbag at the corner of the street.

A. The shopkeeper           B. A policeman

C. A woman                  D. A schoolboy


Laws (法律) for children are good things. One hundred years ago in some countries, children worked eighteen hours A. day in A. factory at age seven. The factory owner could beat A. child who fell asleep or was not fast enough. Both parents and teachers could do the same.

Today, there are many laws about children all  over the world. Some people think if children do something wrong, they should  he punished (惩罚). Other people do not agree. The Inuits or Eskimos in Alaska almost never punish their children. The parents do not beat them. If the children go too far, their parents will punish their children. The parents do not beat them. If the children go too far, their parents will punish them by making fun of(取笑) them.

Children in other parts of the world are not as lucky as Eskimo children. American parents can beat their children at home, but A. teacher can’t beat A. child in school. This is also true in Germany. Instead, in Sweden it is against the law for anyone to beat A. child. Swedish parents can’t beat their children. The children also have A. government official(政府官员) who works for their rights (权力). There is even A. plan (计划) for children to leave their parents, though this is not A. law –yet !

52. Which is the best title (题目) for the passage (段落)?

A. Children In Different Countries

B. Children In Different Times

C. Laws About Children

D. Laws In Different Countries

53. Where and when did children work eighteen hours A. day ?

    A. In factories all over the world now.

    B. In some countries a hundred years ago.

    C. On farms in America hundreds of years ago.

    D. At the age of seven in Germany today.

54. “If the children go too far ” means “  ”

    A. If the children make so many mistakes

    B. If the children are far away from home

    C. If the children do something against the law

    D. If the children walk farther than others

55. From the passage, we know parents can beat their children _____.

    A. all over the world

    B. in Eskimo families in Alaska

    C. in Sweden

    D. in Germany



  An Wang was born in Shanghai, China, 1920. He came to America at age twenty-five. He studied at Harvard, A. famous university (大学) near Boston. He was _56__and soon got A. doctorate (博士头衔).

    In 1951, An Wang __57____ A. small company (公司). It had only one room and two employees (雇员). Every year the company ___58_____. By 1985, Wang had thirty thousand employees and had made 3,000 million dollars. His company became one of the most _59___companies in the USA, It made the newest computers.

    Money did not __60__ An Wang. He lived with his wife in the same house outside Boston. He __61__ had two suits at one time, and they were always blue.

    He was _62_ to the poor and liked to give away money to them. People in the USA. will never _63___ this good man.

56. A. happy      B. hardworking       C. strong  D. careful

57. A. built         B. made       C. found      D. started
58. A. worked and worked    B. tried and tried   C. grew and grew    
D. won and won

59. A. important     B. difficult  C. popular    D. common

60. A. hurt          B. beat                     C. change     D. break

61. A. also          B. really         C. almost     D. only

62. A. kind          B. polite         C. useful  D. welcome

63. A. hate          B. forget     C. thank          D. miss


The sea is new world to us. And it is A. big place. We know that some strange fish live in it.

One of the strangest is the angler(琵琶鱼). It lives deep down in the sea. The water there is very cold. And it is as _64___ as night.

The female(雌性) angler knows A. good _65__ to catch food. She goes fishing.

She has her own fishing line. It grows out of the top of her head. It hangs down in front of her mouth. The tip (尖) looks _66___ in the dark water. The tip of her line is her bait (鱼饵).

Hungry fish see her bait. They think it  is food to eat. A. hungry fish will swim _67___. It swims right at the bait. Then the angler closes her mouth. That’s the end of the fish.

The female angler grows quite large. She may be longer than __68__ arm. But the male (雄的) is very small. He is about as long as A. finger (手指).

__69___he is born, the male fish started to look for A. female. When he finds her, he holds onto her side with his mouth. Soon his mouth grows into her side. Now he will not get_70__ in the dark.

The male angler has no fishing line. He does not need one. The female does the fishing for him. And  he gets his food _71__- her.

64. A. cold       B. quiet      C. dark           D. still

65. A. road       B. way        C. journey    D. travel

66. A. bright     B. beautiful      C. small             D. big

67. A. farther and farther      B. faster and faster

C. closer and closer           D. deeper and deeper

68. A. his        B. its        C. her            D. your

69. A. Soon before   B. Soon after     C. When         D. Until

70. A. down            B. lost         C. well           D. ready

71. A. to         B. into           C. for        D. from

           第II卷(非选择题 35分)


1. The box is f_ll of apple.

2. I’m Lucy and my s_ster is Lily.

3. That g_ _ l looks like her mother.

4. What colour is it ? It’s bl_ck.

5. We often help _ _ ch other.

6. Don’t dr_ _ on the wall. We must keep the wall clean.


7.My brother has many English___________.(book)

8.Uncle Wang lives on the ___________floor of that building.(ten)

9.He gave _____________two pens yesterday.(we)

10.This isn’t our classroom. It’s _______ (they)

11.The book is __________than the dictionary.(thin)

12.Lin Tao sings _________in his class.(well)

13.Yesterday a _________ visited our school. (farm)

14.The Chinese people are very __________. (friend)


A.  May I ? Thanks.

B.   Why not have a mooncake ?

C.  It has an egg in it.

D.  Which would you like, the one with fruit or the one with nuts?

E.   It’s very delicious.

A: Are you hungry ?

B: Yes, A. little.

A: ____________You know it’s Mid-Autumn Day today.


B: Really ? Then I’d like a mooncake.

A: ______________


B: I’d like the one with nuts. Oh, ________


A: Would you like another one?

B: ____________This one looks nice. What’s in it ?


A: Can’s you see ? Look, __________


B: Mum ! It’s great !


20.这个小孩既不能读也不能写。     the boy, can, read, write


21.他太着急,不知道下步做什么。        he,  is, worried, know what to do next


22.我正帮我母亲做饭。                  I, my mother, the cooking, now


23. 直到雨停了,她们才出去。           they, go out, the rain, stop



it, me, only, three days, finish, this book,last week



he, me, wait, half an hour, at the school gate




1.  go back, A. holiday

2.  ask, Mike, take care of

3.  come back, see, grow, well

4.  thank, helping
