
: 英语巴士网英语考试专业四八级英语英语考试内容详情

英国概况人文知识 4


1.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain?

A. Roman B. Anglo-Saxons C. Jutes D. Celts

2.The Hundred Years' War between Britain and France was fought ____.

A. from 1327 to 1453 B. from 1337 to 1453

C. from 1347 to 1453 C. from 1357 to 1453

3.The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year ____

A. 1918 B. 1920 C. 1945 D. 1949

4.The English Civil War is also called ____

A. the Puritan Revolution B. the second Magna Carta

C. the Long Parliament D. the Anglican War

5.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the ____ and the North Sea in the east.

A. east B. south C. west D. north

6.The largest lake in Britain is ____.

A. Loch Lomond B. the Lough Neagh C. Windermere D. Ullswater

7.Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?

A. In the Highlands B. In the central Lowlands

C. In the Uplands D. In the west of Scotland

8.In Britain only about ____ of the population are farmers but they manage 70% of the land area.

A. 2% B. 3% C. 4% D. 5%

9.The two important crops in Britain are ____

A. barley and corn B. wheat and rice C. barley and oats D. wheat and barley

10.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 ____

A. can legally receive partly free education

B. can legally receive completely free education

C. can not receive free education at all

D. can not receive free education if their parents are rich


1. D 凯尔特在公元前700年到英国,罗马人在公元1到5世纪统治英国,5世纪中期盎格鲁撒克逊人侵占英国,因此凯尔特人是最早踏入英国的。

2. B 英法百年战争爆发于1337年到1453年间,中间还发生了黑死病。

3. D 爱尔兰共和国在1949年独立。

4. A 英国内战于1642年到1646年间发生,国王查尔斯与议会发生争执,实际上是国王与清教徒之间的矛盾引起的,结果议会胜利。

5. B 英国南面与法国隔着英吉利海峡。

6. B 英国最大的湖是内伊湖,最长的河流是塞文河。

7. B 苏格兰中低部适合人类生存,是苏格兰工业和人高度集中的地区。

8. A 由于英国农作业时的高度机械化,只需利用全国2%的人口来耕作大面积农地。

9. D 小麦和大麦是英国最重要的庄稼。

10. B 英国的义务教育是从5岁到16岁,所以期间的教育全部免费。
