英国过渡时期的历史概况 3
1.Renaissance was the transitional period between the Middle Ages and modern times, covering the years c1350-c1650. In England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as the beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485. 文艺复兴处于中世纪向现代的过渡时期。覆盖1350-1650年。英国的文艺复兴通常被认为开始于1485年都铎家族的继位。 2.English Renaissance achieved its first expression in the so-called Elizabethan drama. Its first exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare. 英国文艺复兴最好的表达方式是所谓的伊丽莎白戏剧。最好的代表任务是克里斯托夫。马洛;本。琼生和威廉。莎士比亚。 3.English Renaissance literature is primarily artistic, rather than philosophical scholarly. 英国文艺复兴时的文学主要是艺术的,而非哲学及学术的。 4.William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, including the following tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Harmlet, king Lear, Othello, and Cymbeline. 威廉莎士比亚共写了37个剧本。悲剧包括:罗密欧与朱莉叶;朱略斯恺撒;麦克白;哈姆雷特;李尔王;奥赛罗和辛白林。 5.The most famous of the Catholic compiracies was the Gunpowder plot of 1605. on November 5, 1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gunpowder in the cellars. 最著名的天主教阴谋是1605年的火药阴谋案。1605年11月5日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。 |