
: 英语巴士网英语考试专业四八级英语英语考试内容详情


关键词:hairspray (发胶),wash, set涉及话题:美发对话人身份:美发师与顾客发生地点:发廊,美容院可能涉及的词汇:dryer (吹风机,烘干器),bleaching, nails, polish等等。

【例4】I need two cocktails for the table by the pool.我要两杯开胃酒,请放在靠游泳池的那张桌上。

关键词:cocktails;涉及话题:餐饮对话人身份:服务员与顾客可能涉及的词汇:waiter, beverages, snack, order, menu等等。

【例5】Here is the ticket for you, sir. You are speeding.这是罚单,先生,您超速了。

关键词:ticket, speeding;涉及话题:车辆违规对话人身份:警察与司机可能涉及的词汇:fine,speed limit,parking lot,traffic,suspend license等等。

或者根据语气,推断别人的真实含义是什么。如:【例6】M:I started driving at 8∶00 p.m. yesterday and arrived here at 5∶30 this morning.; W: You drove all night?(?); Q: What does the woman mean? A. Night driving can be dangerous. B. You should not have drivenduring the night. C. Why don't you drive all night? D. Did you really drive all night?;女士的话用的是陈述句式,但句末用的却是升调,表明她对男士开了一夜的车表示怀疑,不太相信。因此答案为D。

【例7】M: Wasn't that ice cream refreshing!(?); W: You can say that again.; Q: What does the man say about the ice cream? A. That ice cream wasn't fresh, was it? B. That ice cream was very refreshing, wasn't it? C.There wasn't any ice cream in the refrigerator. D. Fresh ice cream wasn't available.;男士的话用的是否定形式的感叹句,句末用降调,表示了肯定的语气。因此答案应为B。另外,这四个选项中,对原文中的refreshing进行了干扰,设计了fresh, refrigerator等干扰词,要特别小心。

【例8】M: Linda looked so tired these days.; W: She looked OK to me.(?); Q: What does the woman think of Linda? A.She saw Linda and me. B. Linda said she was fine. C. She looked up the word for me. D. She considered she was all right.;女士的话用的是陈述句,但句末是升调,表示了她的那种无所谓的态度。答案为D。

【例9】M: You did all the housework in an hour by yourself? Are you tired?; W: Am I tired?(?); Q: What does the woman mean? A. Am I tired? B. I tried very much. C. I'm totally exhausted. D. Have I been hired?;女士的话用了疑问句式,句末用了降调,实际是反问,其含意是:“我累坏了,还用问吗?”故答案为C。B和D中的tried和hired都是原文中tired的干扰词。

【例10】M: You go ahead and sit next to John. I don't want him talking to me throughout the whole play.;W: And I do?(?);Q: What does the woman mean?A. She wants someone to talk to.B. She doesn't want to be disturbed either.C. She doesn't mind talking to John.D. She really wants John to talk to her.;对话中女士虽用了陈述句式,但末尾用升调,实际是表示反问的语气,即表示不满:“难道我愿意让他和我说话吗?”故答案为B。【例11】M: Alan certainly got some good popular song records.;W: Didn't he?(?); Q: What do we learn from the woman's response? A. She agrees with the man. B. She thinks Alan does not get good records. C. She doesn'tknow if Alan has any good records. D. She doesn't know what the man means.;女士用了疑问否定的形式,句末用降调,表示她对此事有同感,赞同男士的看法。故答案A。

对策之三:充分运用推断和猜测能力在听力测试中,不必因听到生词就紧张。连续听到几个生词后,更要保持冷静、镇定,否则会影响整体的理解,而抓不住全文的中心思想。相信自己有能力借助于逻辑、常识、语法结构、语境和对主题的背景知识的了解来猜测没有听懂或漏掉单词的意思,通过推理,从听到的内容中得出正确答案。例如:The Security Council has prolonged its peace-keeping goal in the former Yugoslavia for another six months. A council resolution said economic restriction would continue unless the government in Belgrade stopped helping Serbian nationalists in Croatia.;这一篇录音的选择题有两题,分别如下:1. The Security Council has _______ it's peace-keeping mission in the former Yugoslavia for another six months. A) prolonged   B) shortened   C) stopped     D) strengthened 2. According to the Security Council's resolution, continued economic embargo would be ______against the government in Belgrade if it kept supporting Serbian nationalists in Croatia. A) imposed      B) lifted   C) suspended    D) raised;听这篇录音时,考生可能会碰到几个生词,如prolonged、Yugoslavia、restriction、Belgrade、Serbian和Croatia。
