
: 英语巴士网英语考试大学四六级英语英语考试内容详情



—Band Six—
(6 MSH 2)

Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled To Curb Spending? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 现在许多大学生花钱大手大脚
2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非
3. 你的看法
Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.
For questions 14, mark
Y (for YES)   if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N (for NO)   if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN    )if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 510, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Even as the economy improves, a jobless executive may face up to a year or more of unemployment. This is a lot of time, especially for hard-charging high-performers who are not used to having any free time. While some job seekers spend hundreds—even thousands—of hours discovering daytime television, others seem to thrive on activities that boost their professional careers or resolve family issues when they aren’t working.
Having an extended period of free time in the prime of one’s life can in fact be a unique opportunity to focus on volunteer service, professional education or personal growth.
Community Involvement
For Lisa Perez, the wakeup call was burned pork chops. An executive who previously hadn’t been particularly interested in home and health had become obsessed with homemaking during a stint of unemployment.
She realized that cleaning and organizing her home wasn’t helping her job search. Nevertheless, “I made lists of 50 things to do every day,” says Ms. Perez, a political and public-relations consultant in Scottsdale, Ariz. “My house was spotless, just so I’d have something to do.”
One day, her boyfriend didn’t arrive on time for dinner because he had to work late, and her pork chops were ruined. She threw a fit. “I’d never been a person like that,” she says. “So I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, and go out and do something productive.”
Ms. Perez, 35, resolved to become an active volunteer for the duration of her search. She gave her time to a health-care concern, a housing program and a political campaign.
The work bolstered her self-confidence. “Volunteering takes the focus off of you. One thing you have that’s still valuable is your time. And, of course, you learn that there are thousands of people with a life that’s much worse than yours,” she says.
Volunteer assignments are also great ways to meet powerful and well-connected people. Over a six-month period, her volunteering evolved into working as a paid consultant and then as a full-time employee, a job she still holds today. In all, she was unemployed for eight months.
Before her job loss, she thought she didn’t have time to volunteer while working. “Now, even though I have a demanding job, I still volunteer, because of what I got out of it,” says Ms. Perez.
Continuing Education
Gene Bellavance, a 36-year?old information-technology project manager, took another route during his unemployment. When he was laid off from a steel company near Cleveland, he knew his immediate prospects were bleak. He expected his search to take a year. He faced a decision: take a job that would set back his career or hold out for an offer he really wanted.
Mr. Bellavance, single and virtually debt free, shifted his finances into survival mode. He cashed out his pension, sold his house, unloaded things he didn’t need at garage sales, and rented an apartment with a roommate. Then, he says, “I signed up for every benefit I could find.”
But he wasn’t just waiting out the year. He spent the rest of his search updating his skills, including becoming certified in new database and project-management software. “You have to invest in yourself,” Mr. Bellavance says. “I estimated what technology was going to be the most beneficial and chose applications that were going to be pervasive, that were right for my market, and that were going to ensure top pay.”
In addition to income from the occasional IT-consulting assignment, he relied on a combination of displaced-worker-retraining grants and unemployment benefits. “I went out and found the classes, submitted the paperwork, and dealt with the bureaucracy. You have to stay after them, keeping your benefits moving forward. It’s up to you to make it work with your overall transition plan,” he says.
His job search was one month shy of the full year he’d expected. He looked for work during his training and says he would have finished the certification programs even if he’d been hired before completing them.
“People should not feel guilty” about accepting government aid, he says. “I saw this in a lot of people. They felt they were some kind of loser for taking benefits. My advice is: Get all you can. You’ve been paying for these programs in your entire career, and you may as well start to benefit from them.”
Family Matters
In addition to pursuing training or volunteering, some displaced careerists use their time off work to attend to family matters. Many executives rediscover their children or find time to help their parents.
Stanford Rappaport held three jobs in San Francisco, including high-tech and teaching positions. When he was laid off from the high-tech job last year, he knew it might be a long slog before he could get another post like it in the Bay Area. “I was able to do the math,” says Mr. Rappaport, 46. “The number of people laid off: huge; and the number of available jobs: miniscule. At the time, I thought it might be two or three years before the tech industry recovered.”
Mr. Rappaport’s remaining job, a part-time faculty position with City College of San Francisco, didn’t pay enough to support him. After a couple of months of searching with no results, he decided to escape the Northern California jobs meltdown. “My plan,” he says, “was to get out of an expensive living situation, and either seek work in another section of the U.S. or overseas, for those two years.” Mr. Rappaport, who speaks five languages, had worked overseas before.
Before he found an assignment, his Arkansas-based mother was diagnosed with a serious chronic illness, and he was called into duty as a son. Mr. Rappaport was able to help his mother get her affairs in order not to interrupt his search by using a San Francisco mail drop and cellphone. “I continued to look for work in California while I was in Fayetteville, Ark., helping my mother through this crisis.”
He took his mother to medical appointments, made repairs on her house, bought her a better car, and straightened out her legal and financial affairs. “I even got to go through my father’s effects, which in the five years since he had died were simply piled in boxes in his office,” he says.
Mr. Rappaport’s stay in Arkansas lasted six months. “It’s amazing that at this stage I had the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with my mother and improve her life and get a lot of things done for her. Most people never have that opportunity. I’m very thankful that I had the chance. It was absolutely worth it,” he says. 
One of the unexpected benefits was the huge boost in confidence he gained from his role as caregiver. He’d been feeling depressed and defeated when he left California, but after returning, he felt renewed. He landed a job with a former employer after returning to San Francisco and remains a part-time faculty member.
Discovery and Exploration
Instead of spending time off lamenting your unemployed status, ask yourself: “Is there something I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t because of the demands of my job?”
Felice Fisk, a 29?year?old in Seattle, recently left an account-manager position at a contract-furniture company. During seven months of unemployment, she took an interest in fine-art painting and completed 18 pieces before returning to work. “I found the art work, or some kind of creative outlet, to be really beneficial,” she says. She’s now an interior designer for an interior-design firm.
Michael Ross, 42, a former IT administrator in El Cerrito, Calif., recently spent his 10 months of unemployment playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business. “After 18 years at my former employer and how hard I had worked, I knew I had to recover, to get restored,” he says. “I looked at this as an opportunity, rather than a penalty. This was very much about clearing space for me.”
At the executive level, even a very efficient and successful job search may be quite lengthy. It makes sense to spend that time in an enriching and productive manner. These job seekers pursued service, continuing education and shoring up family bonds. How you’ll look back on a period of unemployment depends on what you do with it.

1. This passage mainly tells that being unemployed is not all bad.
2. Lisa Perez found a new interest in homemaking during the period of unemployment.
3. Lisa Perez was always optimistic during the period of her unemployment.
4. After she got a new job, Lisa Perez regretted that she had not done volunteering work earlier.
5. Unemployment means a lot of time, especially for those hard-charging executives who are not used to having any          time.
6. Being a volunteer is helpful because volunteer assignments can provide you with chances to meet               people.
7. Mr. Bellavance cashed out his pension, sold his house and unloaded things he didn’t need at garage after losing his job in order to change his finances into        mode.
8. When unemployed, some careerists take the opportunity to      family matters in addition to pursuing training or volunteering.
9. The role as caregiver brought about a huge boost in        to Mr. Rappaport. After returning from California, he felt renewed.
10. Michael Ross resigned and spent his unemployment time playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business for he looked at this as an            , rather than a penalty.

—Band Six—
(6 MSH 2)

Part I Writing(30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled To Curb Spending? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 现在许多大学生花钱大手大脚
2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非
3. 你的看法
Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.
For questions 14, mark
Y (for YES)   if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;
N (for NO)   if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;
NG (for NOT GIVEN    )if the information is not given in the passage.
For questions 510, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.
Even as the economy improves, a jobless executive may face up to a year or more of unemployment. This is a lot of time, especially for hard-charging high-performers who are not used to having any free time. While some job seekers spend hundreds—even thousands—of hours discovering daytime television, others seem to thrive on activities that boost their professional careers or resolve family issues when they aren’t working.
Having an extended period of free time in the prime of one’s life can in fact be a unique opportunity to focus on volunteer service, professional education or personal growth.
Community Involvement
For Lisa Perez, the wakeup call was burned pork chops. An executive who previously hadn’t been particularly interested in home and health had become obsessed with homemaking during a stint of unemployment.
She realized that cleaning and organizing her home wasn’t helping her job search. Nevertheless, “I made lists of 50 things to do every day,” says Ms. Perez, a political and public-relations consultant in Scottsdale, Ariz. “My house was spotless, just so I’d have something to do.”
One day, her boyfriend didn’t arrive on time for dinner because he had to work late, and her pork chops were ruined. She threw a fit. “I’d never been a person like that,” she says. “So I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself, and go out and do something productive.”
Ms. Perez, 35, resolved to become an active volunteer for the duration of her search. She gave her time to a health-care concern, a housing program and a political campaign.
The work bolstered her self-confidence. “Volunteering takes the focus off of you. One thing you have that’s still valuable is your time. And, of course, you learn that there are thousands of people with a life that’s much worse than yours,” she says.
Volunteer assignments are also great ways to meet powerful and well-connected people. Over a six-month period, her volunteering evolved into working as a paid consultant and then as a full-time employee, a job she still holds today. In all, she was unemployed for eight months.
Before her job loss, she thought she didn’t have time to volunteer while working. “Now, even though I have a demanding job, I still volunteer, because of what I got out of it,” says Ms. Perez.
Continuing Education
Gene Bellavance, a 36-year?old information-technology project manager, took another route during his unemployment. When he was laid off from a steel company near Cleveland, he knew his immediate prospects were bleak. He expected his search to take a year. He faced a decision: take a job that would set back his career or hold out for an offer he really wanted.
Mr. Bellavance, single and virtually debt free, shifted his finances into survival mode. He cashed out his pension, sold his house, unloaded things he didn’t need at garage sales, and rented an apartment with a roommate. Then, he says, “I signed up for every benefit I could find.”
But he wasn’t just waiting out the year. He spent the rest of his search updating his skills, including becoming certified in new database and project-management software. “You have to invest in yourself,” Mr. Bellavance says. “I estimated what technology was going to be the most beneficial and chose applications that were going to be pervasive, that were right for my market, and that were going to ensure top pay.”
In addition to income from the occasional IT-consulting assignment, he relied on a combination of displaced-worker-retraining grants and unemployment benefits. “I went out and found the classes, submitted the paperwork, and dealt with the bureaucracy. You have to stay after them, keeping your benefits moving forward. It’s up to you to make it work with your overall transition plan,” he says.
His job search was one month shy of the full year he’d expected. He looked for work during his training and says he would have finished the certification programs even if he’d been hired before completing them.
“People should not feel guilty” about accepting government aid, he says. “I saw this in a lot of people. They felt they were some kind of loser for taking benefits. My advice is: Get all you can. You’ve been paying for these programs in your entire career, and you may as well start to benefit from them.”
Family Matters
In addition to pursuing training or volunteering, some displaced careerists use their time off work to attend to family matters. Many executives rediscover their children or find time to help their parents.
Stanford Rappaport held three jobs in San Francisco, including high-tech and teaching positions. When he was laid off from the high-tech job last year, he knew it might be a long slog before he could get another post like it in the Bay Area. “I was able to do the math,” says Mr. Rappaport, 46. “The number of people laid off: huge; and the number of available jobs: miniscule. At the time, I thought it might be two or three years before the tech industry recovered.”
Mr. Rappaport’s remaining job, a part-time faculty position with City College of San Francisco, didn’t pay enough to support him. After a couple of months of searching with no results, he decided to escape the Northern California jobs meltdown. “My plan,” he says, “was to get out of an expensive living situation, and either seek work in another section of the U.S. or overseas, for those two years.” Mr. Rappaport, who speaks five languages, had worked overseas before.
Before he found an assignment, his Arkansas-based mother was diagnosed with a serious chronic illness, and he was called into duty as a son. Mr. Rappaport was able to help his mother get her affairs in order not to interrupt his search by using a San Francisco mail drop and cellphone. “I continued to look for work in California while I was in Fayetteville, Ark., helping my mother through this crisis.”
He took his mother to medical appointments, made repairs on her house, bought her a better car, and straightened out her legal and financial affairs. “I even got to go through my father’s effects, which in the five years since he had died were simply piled in boxes in his office,” he says.
Mr. Rappaport’s stay in Arkansas lasted six months. “It’s amazing that at this stage I had the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with my mother and improve her life and get a lot of things done for her. Most people never have that opportunity. I’m very thankful that I had the chance. It was absolutely worth it,” he says. 
One of the unexpected benefits was the huge boost in confidence he gained from his role as caregiver. He’d been feeling depressed and defeated when he left California, but after returning, he felt renewed. He landed a job with a former employer after returning to San Francisco and remains a part-time faculty member.
Discovery and Exploration
Instead of spending time off lamenting your unemployed status, ask yourself: “Is there something I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t because of the demands of my job?”
Felice Fisk, a 29?year?old in Seattle, recently left an account-manager position at a contract-furniture company. During seven months of unemployment, she took an interest in fine-art painting and completed 18 pieces before returning to work. “I found the art work, or some kind of creative outlet, to be really beneficial,” she says. She’s now an interior designer for an interior-design firm.
Michael Ross, 42, a former IT administrator in El Cerrito, Calif., recently spent his 10 months of unemployment playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business. “After 18 years at my former employer and how hard I had worked, I knew I had to recover, to get restored,” he says. “I looked at this as an opportunity, rather than a penalty. This was very much about clearing space for me.”
At the executive level, even a very efficient and successful job search may be quite lengthy. It makes sense to spend that time in an enriching and productive manner. These job seekers pursued service, continuing education and shoring up family bonds. How you’ll look back on a period of unemployment depends on what you do with it.

1. This passage mainly tells that being unemployed is not all bad.
2. Lisa Perez found a new interest in homemaking during the period of unemployment.
3. Lisa Perez was always optimistic during the period of her unemployment.
4. After she got a new job, Lisa Perez regretted that she had not done volunteering work earlier.
5. Unemployment means a lot of time, especially for those hard-charging executives who are not used to having any          time.
6. Being a volunteer is helpful because volunteer assignments can provide you with chances to meet               people.
7. Mr. Bellavance cashed out his pension, sold his house and unloaded things he didn’t need at garage after losing his job in order to change his finances into        mode.
8. When unemployed, some careerists take the opportunity to      family matters in addition to pursuing training or volunteering.
9. The role as caregiver brought about a huge boost in        to Mr. Rappaport. After returning from California, he felt renewed.
10. Michael Ross resigned and spent his unemployment time playing guitar and exploring his lifelong interest in scriptwriting and the movie business for he looked at this as an            , rather than a penalty.

Part ⅤError Correction (15 minutes)
Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark(∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and  put a slash (/) in the blank.
Teachers believe that students’  responsibility with          62       
 learning is necessary. If a long reading assignment is
given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the
informations in the reading even if they do not discuss it in        63        
class or give an examination. The ideal student is
considered to be one who motivated to learn for the sake of        64        
learning, not the one who is interested only in getting high
grades. Grade-conscious students may be frustrated with
teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade every
assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with brief
writing comments but without a grade. When research is           65        
assigned, the professor expects the student to make the            66       
initiative and complete the assignment with minimal
guidance.Professors do not have time to explain how the
library works; they expect students, particular graduate            67       
students, to be able to use the reference sources in the
library.In the United States, professors have other duties
except teaching. Often they either have administrative work        68       
to do or may be obliged to publish articles and books. But         69       
the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of
class is very limited. Educational practices such as student
participation indicates a respect for individual responsibility        70       
and independence. The manner which education is                71       
provided in any country reflects basic cultural and social
beliefs of that country.

Part ⅥTranslation (5 minutes)
Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
72. The author of the report (对医院的问题非常了解)because he has been working there for many years.
73. The father (哀求)his son to be less trouble to his mother.
74. The murderer (混在人群当中)with an attempt to shoot at the Prime Minister whenever he seized a chance.
75. (为了最大限度减少窃案发生的可能性), install a good alarm system.
76. Scientists will have to (提出增加世界粮食供应量的新方法).

参考答案 :

Part Writing

To Curb Spending?

The monthly expenditures of college students have been on the rise in the past few years. Some argue that if the students earn the money themselves, how they spend it is none of other people’s business, and after all, the general living standard keeps rising. However, the fact is that most students live on the money their parents give them. The lure of a more comfortable and fashionable lifestyle—one with name brand clothing, mobile phones, MP3, and dining out or going to bars with a girlfriend—makes many to be frequent borrowers.

In my opinion, young students are sensitive to fashions and new trends, thus they easily found it impossible to make ends meet and run into debt.  When a student’s spending steps beyond the boundaries of daily necessities, it becomes a kind of waste. Furthermore, widespread extravagant spending on campus could have a bad influence on people’s values. But many students see it as a common practice and not a fault. Though everyone has the right to enjoy a comfortable life, campus is a place for study. So just think twice before you sign a bill.

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. Y     2. N     3. N     4. NG       5. free

 6. powerful and well-connected

7. survival     8. attend to     9. confidence     10. opportunity

Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

47. Southern manuscripts and letters.

48. As a forger.

49. a respectable buyer

50. She was an imaginary person created by Spring.

51. the originals

Section B

Passage One

52. B     53. A     54. A    55.B    56. B

Passage Two

57. A     58. D     59. B    60. A    61. D

Part Error Correction

62. with→for

63. informations→information

64. who∧→is

65. writing→written

66. make→take

67. particular→particularly

68. except→besides

69. But→thus/therefore/hence/so

70. indicates→indicate

71. which→/或者∧which→in

Part Translation

72. is well acquainted with the problems in the hospital

73. pleaded with

74. mingled with the crowds

75. To minimize the risk of theft

76. come up with new methods of increasing the world’s food supply
